Gabriel Versus Lucifer

Trial Transcript (PDF Format)

Gabriel Versus Lucifer is inspired by the Teachings of Jesus and the events of our time.

Notice of Jury Duty

Greetings Fellow Citizen of the Cosmos.

By authority of the Ancients of Days

You are hereby commanded to appear for jury duty.

Your services are required as the case Gabriel versus Lucifer draws to a close. As of the date of this notice, three of the alleged perpetrators are in custody. You may be needed for any one of the remaining trials. Be advised the celestial broadcast networks will carry each case in this series for what has come to be known as the Lucifer Rebellion. 

The Court has carefully considered the question of venue in this series of high profile, highly publicized cases. Regretfully we have been unable to locate anyone not affected in some way, real or imagined, by the matter before us. You will be questioned about your ability to remain unbiased. You will be required to exercise your highest concepts of fairness and objectivity throughout these proceedings even if the Defendant’s alleged actions may have had a direct or indirect effect on your own life or the life of someone known to you.  

Please report for duty, ready to stay for the full length of the trial. Time-space coordinates are provided on the attached set of credentials.