This “revelation” goes on and on with such
Peace will become the watch care of
international government. When
lawless minorities learn that, then peace
will prevail. Appeasement and
moral-compromise are the habits of
peace-loving and self-loving Nationalists.
The present conflict resulted when nations
wanted peace at any price.
The theory of Democracy validates the
concept of equality - but the idea of
equality produces conflicts which only
courts can settle, unless the victors
establish international overcontrol for
those lesser people who are hungry for
freedom and self-government.
The dream of equality is fiction. It is
not nationally or individually true.
Such a dream can only be realized before God
or before a court. Man acquires
citizenship equality before the law; before
a supercourt all nations are
27 - The 1945
equal. You cannot have equality among
trends or creations within law; and
law without the coercive power of
enforcement is a tragic farce. Equality without
law means war. Without super-law you can
only have peace when the
weaker submit to the stronger.
Any hope for world peace without coercive
international law is a furtive
dream. Mandatory law is law enforced by
unquestioned force. Peace is the
reign of law. Law is the just use of force
by unquestioned authority. There
can’t be lasting peace without force. To
make peace we must wage legal war.
There is a difference between the outlaw who
kills a man and the sheriff who
kills the outlaw for his crime. The sheriff
is not a murderer — he is a peace
Non-intervention and appeasement are like
the old monarchs’
“gentlemen’s agreements.” Each agrees to let the
other carry out his nefarious
War is the major factor in the non-spiritual
history of the human race. At
the present time the most advanced peoples
look upon it as an unnecessary
evil. It is the first time in history that
world-wide peace had been talked of.
Wars have become increasingly more
terrible in the last 150 years, and for
the last 100 years no government has been
able to get the full support of its
people in a war policy. Leaders start wars
on the theory that they are going to
be, or have been, attacked. If the majority
want to abolish war, why don’t they
do it? If war is an expression of human
emotions like crime, it won’t be abolished.
But civilized people have abolished
individual crime. Another view: in
the case of a criminal committing murder you
quickly distinguish between the
criminal and the sheriff who shoots him.
Each from a biological viewpoint is
guilty, but not from the social or moral
viewpoints. There are two kinds of war:
(1) social criminal aggression,
(2) legal group military sanctions.
An International Government can (a) reduce
war to a minimum just as
courts function to minimize crime,
(b) render war a legal action on the part
authorized groups for the peace, safety and security of all mankind.
War can
be and must be legalized, minimized and humanized. The use of poison
submarines and aerial bombing of civilian populations can be
prevented. The
International Police will be known as Peace Armies. You
cannot maintain
rules of warfare when armies are conscripted and nations are
fighting for
sovereignty. You can’t have international law without
international power to
enforce the law.
Disarmament on the part of the great
nations such as the peace-loving
people of the United States is a direct
contribution to war. If the
English-speaking peoples remain intelligent
and fully armed, they will constitute
the Peace Army until the regional and
international courts can be established.
Equal quality of arms is a delusion. What
mayor of a great city would
allow criminals to carry guns? Arm well the
police but prevent the criminal
element from getting arms. Long have
well-meaning but short-sighted pacifists
proclaimed, “You can’t have pace by waging
war.” That is exactly what
you can do, and will have to do for the next
Legal war is the act of the legal
authority of the International Government
- action is response to law. Legal war is
designed to maintain peace, not
to take loot or seek revenge. It is waged by
order of the legal authority of
International Government for safe-guarding
the peace of nations. There are
two kinds of fighting, and any nation that
fights an illegal war will fight a
The Birth of a Divine Revelation
hopeless one. The time has come for
nations to be governed by law and not
by political ambitions, personal whims and
directives, rampant nationalism,
fanatical dictators, or the delusion of
sovereignty. Modern science has ended
the day of the international frontiersman.
The forces of civilization have arrive
on the international frontier.
The dogma of non-intervention is the most
uncivilized and inconsistent
ever held by modern nations. What would you
think of a policeman who would
refuse to help a fellow officer who was
engaged in a struggle with a thug? And
it is just such strange and inhuman conduct
on the part of America and other
world powers which enable unscrupulous
dictators to become rulers in other
parts of the world. Non-intervention is the
remnant of the “gentleman’s agreement”
of the older rulers which was just an
agreement between monarchs not
to interfere in each other’s wars.
Today’s advances in science, industry,
commerce, communication, etc.
render the dogma of neutrality inconsistent.
This neutrality makes possible
(1) inconsistency of policies,
(2) corrupt press,
(3) fomenting of strikes,
disunity, divide and conquer.
Six or eight years ago the American
nation began to watch a European
nation stop making automobiles and turn to
making airplanes, conscript its
citizens, make over its schools, ration its
food, tax and limit incomes. They
were 2000 miles away so American refused to
be concerned; now we’re doing
those same things whether we like it or not.
The world can’t go on half free
and half slave; it must be either all free
or all slave. There are still thousands
of Americans who don’t see things as they
really are. They long for the day
when it will be over and they can return to
their old ways. They are Isolationists
at heart, ready to disarm and sink their
navy again. They learned very
little from the last world war wherein the
naval disaster (disarming) was far
more costly than the loss of Pearl Harbor.
If one great nation allow treaties to be
counted as scraps of paper, then
all great nations are invalidated. Today if
one goes off the gold standard, they
all go off, because each is so
interdependent. The world is so economically
interdependent that the price of commodities
must be determined by the producer
operating under the least favorable
conditions. Which means, in competition,
that the standard of living starts on a
downward spiral. Tariffs tend to
make barriers, but you pay a price for them.
This downward spiral affects the
standard of living, depth of culture, extent
of education, labor conditions, personal
liberty, taxation, tariff, exports and
imports, defense policies and moral
standards. The nation living under the least
favorable condition and lowest
cultural standard will become the
determining influence over all other peoples.
The only hope of the survival of the
American standards of living is to
share them as far as possible with other
people. If one powerful nation is
deficient in morality, it costs us much more
to keep ours up. The nation that
would selfishly save its own high standards
is destined to lose them. In any
circumscribed area of the world it will be
discovered, in the long run, that the
existing government will be compelled to
gravitate gradually down to the level
of the lowest and most primitive that is
allowed to exist. One criminal and
inferior abroad in a community can corrupt a
score of well-meaning youths.
In self-defense the Democracies must
export life, liberty and the pursuit of
27 - The 1945
Whoever heard of neutrality between right
and wrong? How can you be
neutral in the struggle between good and
evil? In any ideological struggle
neutrality is suicidal. Neutrality means the
enemy is free to pick you off one at
a time. In local government a sheriff, when
hard-pressed by lawlessness, can
deputize any number of citizens, but such a
plan won’t work on a national
scale. Such results can only be gotten by
Honest men cannot have confidential
dealing with rascals. Honest nations
keep their word and live up to their
treaties. The honest administration
does not make treaties with a dishonest
neighbor. If war is to be outlawed, the
farce of neutrality must end. It is immoral
and cowardly for a group of
law-abiding citizens to stand idly by and
see a fellow citizen being held up,
beaten and robbed; and such moral
indifference is suicidal to a nation. What
can be said of Christian nations that stand
by complacently while the world
gangsters strafe and plunder the civilized
world, murdering and starving little
children? May it never happen again!
The French Revolution reached the highest
point in the struggle for personal
liberty, the American Revolution in the
struggle for national independence.
A grave mistake was made when the spirit of
independence was concocted
into a formula of self-determination; and it
was an American president
who perpetrated this blunder when only fifty
years previously a Civil War was
fought to prevent the right of
self-determination. Little nations can have no
more self-determination than each state of
the Union can have complete sovereignty.
Each state is sovereign in all matters of
state but in national affairs the
Federal Government is sovereign, and you can
only have peace predicated
on law. The idea of every little nation
having the right of self-determination
only spells industrial paralysis and social
hell. Internationalism is detrimental
to national intrigue.
You can’t postulate independence without
encountering interdependence,
and nine out of ten nations can’t have
economic independence without enormously
lowering their standard of living. The
Untied States and Russia - the
two most powerful nations in the world - are
economically independent. Humans
are born wholly dependent. Each child seeks
independence but he learns,
as he grows older, that he is
interdependent. The concept of complete independence
is fallacious. In life there is dependence,
independence and the
intelligent interdependence.
The complete independence of
self-determination which was accorded
the small nations after the first world war
did not afford them security. They
were uneasy, suspicious and tormented by
feelings of insecurity. Both individuals
and nations must learn the lessons of
interdependence. The attempt
to complete economic independence leads to
over-production, disorderly distribution,
unemployment, economic depression. Neither a
nation nor a small
group of nations can hope to enjoy complete and
independent economic freedom.
In the spiritual world “no man liveth
unto himself alone.” Neither can a
nation continue to live to itself. A state
that strives for economic freedom will
gravitate certainly and swiftly to a
totalitarian state. Fascism and Naziism is
the result of striving for economic freedom
- freedom without restraint, liberty
without compulsion. Honesty in business and
altruism in government pay
high dividends.
The Birth of a Divine Revelation
We must relinquish national sovereignty
and enter into international
sovereignty. Think how much states are free
when they don’t have to concern
themselves with things Federal. So would
nations be more free with an International
Government to attend to global affairs. It
will be too late to undertake
it after the war is over. Says the
Declaration of Independence: “Whenever any
form of government becomes so destructive of
these ends - life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness - it is the right
of the people to alter, abolish or
institute new government, laying its
foundations on such principles, and organizing
its powers in such form as to them shall
seem most likely to effect
their safety and happiness.”
Today the nations of the earth are most
unsafe and most unhappy. Nationalism
is on its deathbed. Unlimited sovereignty is
moribund. The time has
come for the birth of Internationalism. Let the sick
nations follow the wise
counsel of the fathers of American independence. Will
you humble your nationalism
enough to adopt a sane internationalism?
Dictators proclaim “Might makes Right.”
Democracies believe Right is
Might. The world is suffering from these
errors or relative truths. Spiritual
causes cannot employ physical force in their
interests, but material causes
depend on physical force for their survival.
It is perfectly proper to found a
church on the ideas of the League of Nations
of World War I. When the
League of Nations didn’t apply force, it
committed suicide. War is a legal
reality. When not used in the support of
law, it will be used in the contravention
of law and against economic justice. How
silly to let international gangsters
and criminals dominate the world!
Diverse forces form the service of
aggression and attach it to the law of
justice. Our slogan should be “Right
predicated on Might.” Educate zealous
crusaders to toil for the new order.
Democracy has too many apostles and
not enough crusaders. When two nations are
in trouble with each other, neither
one can judge their aggressions. That is the
job of an International Court. Aggression
is good when directed against injustice. Hitler made his first
when he proclaimed, “Right is whatever is in the interest of
the German
folk.” That’s the time we should have struck. Judgment is
the function of
a group.
Democracy cannot be static. Peace is
dynamic. When the law-abiding
citizen is static, then the outlaw is
dynamic. As we exist today we can only
exist by waging war - war that is waged in
the interest of international law. War can
only be prevented by the action of International Police ready to act
instantly. Failure to provide for
International Police provides for international
banditry. When the first international
military force moves against the first
one who dares to go against international
law, then we’ll have peace.
Democracies were used to seeing local
gangsters committing crime,
but were shocked to see them at the heads of
governments. We dreaded law
with force. Now we have a world with force
without law.
Compare this with the following:
P.1489134:5.10 - Urantia will not enjoy lasting peace until the
so-called sovereign
nations intelligently
and fully surrender their sovereign powers into the
hands of the
brotherhood of men--mankind government. Internationalism —
Leagues of Nations —
can never bring permanent peace to mankind.
27 - The 1945
confederations of nations will effectively prevent minor wars and
acceptably control the
smaller nations, but they will not prevent world wars
nor control the three,
four, or five most powerful governments. In the face of
real conflicts, one of
these world powers will withdraw from the League and
declare war. You
cannot prevent nations going to war as long as they remain
infected with the
delusional virus of national sovereignty. Internationalism is a
step in the right
direction. An international police force will prevent many
minor wars, but it
will not be effective in preventing major wars, conflicts
between the great
military governments of earth.
By such comparisons one can see how Caligastia
employed the conceptual suggestions of the
Revelation to twist them into his perversions.
P.1489 - As the number of truly sovereign nations
(great powers) decreases, so do both
opportunity and need for mankind government increase.
When there are only a few really sovereign (great) powers,
either they must embark on the life and
death struggle for national (imperial) supremacy, or
else, by voluntary surrender of certain prerogatives of
sovereignty, they must create the
essential nucleus of supernational power which will serve as the
beginning of the real sovereignty of all mankind.
P.1489134:5.12 - Peace will not come to Urantia until every
so-called sovereign
nation surrenders its
power to make war into the hands of a representative
government of all
mankind. Political sovereignty is innate with the peoples of
the world. When all
the peoples of Urantia create a world government, they
have the right and the
power to make such a government SOVEREIGN; and
when such a
representative or democratic world power controls the world’s
land, air, and naval
forces, peace on earth and good will among men can
prevail — but not
until then.
We will not achieve peace by going to war. And we
will not achieve peace by holding onto the
deception of national sovereignty. All nations must surrender
their power to make war into the hands of a representative
world-wide government.
But which of the great powers has done so? They
all still reserve the right to national
decisions. We were clearly told:
This present godless philosophy of human
society will bring only unrest, unhappiness, animosity, war, and
world-wide disaster.”
We can depend upon Revelation, or we can be
guided by diabolical “Instructions.”
Consider all of the following remarks. Contrast them with these
Devil “Instructions.”
- To use an important nineteenth- and twentieth century
The forty-eight states
of the American Federal Union have long enjoyed
peace. They have no
more wars among themselves. They have surrendered
their sovereignty to
the federal government, and through the arbitrament
war, they have
abandoned all claims to the delusions of self-determination.
While each state
regulates its internal affairs, it is not concerned with foreign
relations, tariffs,
immigration, military affairs, or interstate commerce.
How sorry a business that such perversion could
creep into 533.