The Birth of a Divine Revelation
Pipeline to God(With
F or
the sake of accurate reporting I include here the complete text of
Harold Sherman’s chapter he called
Pipeline To
in his book
How To Know What To
This was his account of events which took place in
Forum meetings in Chicago in 1942. I skip the section which I
reproduced verbatim in Chapter Nine and
note that missing section. Because Sherman’s statements
were so clearly biased I felt it necessary to offer detailed
Sherman’s title,
Pipeline To God,
is used in derogation, implying that Sadler
felt he had a direct line to God. Also,
the reader should know the actual identity of
the individuals mentioned by Sherman through alias. The use
of alias betrays his objectivity. An
honest man would not have felt a need to use such guises. Where
known to me I show the true identities. To simplify
presentation Sherman’s text is in a
different font style. Where Sherman quotes Sadler I show that in
still another font. I place a line between
sections and the respective commentaries to simplify
recognition of the separations.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
every incident and experience in this chapter is true, as reported,
we have
decided to give fictitious names to those
directly concerned and to let the story speak
for itself, illustrating as it does the
fallacy of accepting so-called revelation, however
received or supported by sincere
believers, as the infallible word of God.
The evidence of written documents and other
eyewitness report shows that this
statement is untrue. Sherman’s account was not accurate. It
demonstrated a clear bias toward his
concerns. Sherman spent much effort on this chapter to
show how strongly he felt about
The Urantia Papers.
He had to write about his experience; he
could not relegate it to oblivion. While giving Sadler and the
Papers this attention on one hand, and
casting aspersions on the other, he showed
the personal feelings he never resolved. We do not know what portion
of his concern was motivated by his desire
that the contents of the Papers include
material on psychic phenomena, and what portion was his regret that
he did not have a personal contributing
hand in the content. His phrases about the fallacy of
accepting so-called ‘revelations’ as the infallible word of
God clearly demonstrate his profound
confusion. He personally promoted psychic ‘revelations’ and

18 - Pipeline To
must have thought them to be genuine; otherwise he would not have
placed his reputation upon them. On the
other hand, we must assume that he did not
believe them to be ‘infallible’.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Today there are many
spiritual leaders who have attracted large followings and
who profess to be inspired by God or
Jesus or other Celestial Beings, even representing
themselves as new messiahs.
This is an aspersion on the character of Sadler
who, in his efforts to disassociate his
name from the Papers, left the historical record in considerable
confusion. Sadler would have considered it
a fraud to pretend to a personal hand in the
actual revelation of the Papers.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
This chapter, describing
our personal experiences, is characteristic of many, demonstrating
as it does the opportunity that always
exists for human error, and sometimes
deliberate falsification.
Again he cast ambiguous and unspecified
aspersions on Sadler’s character. He
implied and wanted his audience to believe that Sadler deliberately
altered and falsified the text of
The Urantia Papers.
As I shall show, Sadler did alter the
Papers after they were competed and certified in 1935, but he did so
under the belief that he had instructions
from celestial authority. Unfortunately, the ‘celestial
authority’ was no less than the Devil himself.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Martha and Harold Sherman
I have received scores of
manuscripts (and continue to receive the same) from
people who felt they had been chosen as
special agents of God to be channels for the
reception of spiritual knowledge. Many
had aroused great anticipation in us but had
only ended, upon examination, in
Here Sherman clearly describes the considerable
time and energies he invested in his
pursuit of psychic phenomena — as a believer, not as an objective
observer. And he sets himself up as an expert judge.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Somehow Martha and I felt that this project in Chicago was different
— that it
was, at last, what had been claimed for it. A
true revelation, presented by a Corps of
Higher Intelligence, designed to serve
humanity’s needs for the next thousand years.
Sherman’s familiarity with
phrases from
The Urantia Papers
demonstrated. The importance of the ‘next
thousand years’ is mentioned several places.

The Birth of a Divine Revelation
Undoubtedly, it was Harry’s feeling for it that
had conditioned us. Our close association
with him and our confidence in his own demonstrated higher powers of
consciousness had caused us to accept the
New Revelation manuscript sight unseen, as
something really super.
The influence of Harry Loose upon Sherman is
openly admitted. This influence not only
was in the original fervor for the Revelation, but also in the
detracting course which followed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Through Harry’s former
connection as detective at Hull House, we had made
arrangements with the attorneys in charge of the estate to
permit me to dramatize the life of Jane
Addams, world renowned Social Settlement woman, which gave us the
excuse to come to Chicago in May of 1942 after having written
the screenplay on the life of Mark Twain
for Warner Brothers.
At a time in my writing career when practicality
dictated that I should have taken
advantage of the recognition and opportunity that had come to me on
the coast, we might have stayed on in
Hollywood and continued to write for pictures. Certainly it
would have been much more lucrative than the gamble of this
new creative assignment, but we were
willing to put everything else aside.
Not only that, but to free our minds as much as
possible for concentration on this massive
New Revelation manuscript, we sent our younger daughter, Marcia, to
stay with relatives in Traverse City,
Michigan, for the summer, and our older daughter,
Mary, to a position as a receptionist at Hull House. We had
been told it would require a number of
months to thoughtfully go through the manuscript once, and as a
consequence, we mapped out a schedule of
four to five hours of reading a day.
How much Harry knew about what we were to
encounter, we perhaps will never know. He
had been careful not to color in advance any impressions we might
have of the Great Book and the people
behind it by any comments he might make while in our
The Shermans appeared at 533 for the second time
in the spring of 1942. How much Loose may
have biased them through their meetings in California is
unknown. Certainly, his chicanery in astral projections
thoroughly converted Sherman to his
psychic abilities.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
In retrospect, he must have
been aware of things that were happening to the
manuscript in its preparation which was not going according
to plan or as originally intended. What he
may have thought that we or anyone could do about certain practices,
which, if discovered, would need correction for protection of
the integrity of the material, is likewise
an open question.

18 - Pipeline To
Upon his joining the Forum in 1942, Sherman soon
recognized that a process in alteration of
the Revelation was taking place. Although he had great
respect for the Papers, this led him to believe that the
celestials were in close contact with
Sadler, as indeed they were, and that changes were underway.
Unfortunately, the real source was
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
With this build-up we had
received, we were totally unprepared for our entrance
upon one of the most challenging
periods of our lives — a period that would test our
mental and physical endurance to the
utmost, as well as our faith in human nature.
It should be stated here
that Martha and I had stopped off in Chicago in July of
1941, en route to Hollywood, to meet
Dr. Henry Norton, noted psychiatrist, at which
time we were accepted as Forum members
upon signing a pledge of secrecy. This
permitted us to return to Chicago, when
possible, to read the New Revelation papers
on the premises, but we were not
allowed to mention or discuss them with anyone
outside the Forum members until the New
Revelation Book itself were published.
Dr. Henry Norton was Sherman’s alias for Dr.
William Sadler.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
The contact with Dr. Norton
and the New Revelation paper had been arranged by
phone by his cousin, Mrs. Susan Sanders
of Marion, Indiana — who, with her doctor
husband, Herbert, had engaged in
psychic research with us during the time we had
lived in Marion in the early 1920’s.
Either Sherman’s memory was faulty, or he was
trying to hide the actual details of the
contact. Herbert and Susan Sanders were Merrill and Josephine
Davis. In Martha Sherman’s 1992 account she denotes Sadler’s
relationship as uncle, not cousin. The
introduction was through a letter, not a phone call. Clyde
Bedell confirmed the latter fact. See following chapters.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Later, when we arrived on the coast and told Harry we had joined up
in Chicago
with those in charge of the Great Book
manuscript, which he had written us about,
Harry was delighted. It was perhaps
because of my profession as a writer, the recent
Mark Twain work, and the reputation
that had come to me through the experiments in
long distance telepathy with the Arctic
Explorer, Sir Hubert Wilkins, that the presence
of Martha and myself in Chicago to
study the New Revelation papers caused quite a
stir among the Forum members.
This gave us an immediate
personal contact with the doctor and his secretary,
Miss Cynthia Frederick (Cindy) and the
members of the doctor’s family: his son, Henry
Junior, and his son’s wife, Loretta; a
brother-in-law and wife, Alfred and Lucy Buxton.
There was also the financier Raymond
Stafford, with his wife, his son, Ray Junior, and
wife, Marjory. It was somewhat
embarrassing for us to be placed in such a favored
position at the outset against so many
old time members, especially at social occasions
when we were invited to sit at the
great man’s table. However, all members
seemed to accept any mandate of the
doctor without question or complaint.

The Birth of a Divine Revelation
Cynthia Frederick (Cindy) was Emma L.
Christensen, (Christy). Henry Junior was
William Sadler, Jr. Loretta was Leone Sadler. Alfred and Lucy Buxton
were Wilfred and Anna Kellogg. Raymond
Stafford was G. Willard Hales, and Ray Junior
was William Hales, first President of the Urantia Foundation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
As new members, Martha and
I had to do a vast amount of catch-up reading,
which necessitated our spending some
hours in the library of the three-story brick
building each day. The papers were
brought to us from the vault in typewritten form by
Cindy, in chronological order — ninety
two in all — and it required almost three months
for the entire New Revelation
manuscript to be completed, with Martha and I reading it
together. We were told that the
original script had been burned after typed copies had
been made to preserve the anonymity as
well as the identity of the human instrument
through whom the revelation had come.
Ninety two papers could not be a correct number.
The ninety-second paper falls in the
middle of Part III on The History of
Either the Shermans were not given all
Papers, or Sherman’s memory was faulty. The Papers were identified
by number; Sherman would certainly have noted missing Papers.
The preliminary materials, containing the hand
writing of SS, were burned. The actual
revelation appeared and disappeared miraculously. Refer to preceding
section of text was reproduced in Chapter 9}
Sherman now proceeds to quote Sadler, in that
important interview.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
One night, when we were
called to his new address, as we sat by the bedside, Dr.
Ruth noticed that he was moistening his
lips as though he were preparing to speak. She
said, ‘Perhaps he wants to talk to us.
Maybe if we ask him a question, we will get an
Sadler’s remarks confirm that SS had now moved to
be near the Sadler’s in their home at 56
South 6th Avenue in La Grange. Dr. Ruth is Lena Sadler.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
did so, and to our great astonishment he did reply; but it was not
his voice. It
was that of what we afterward learned to be a
student visitor on an observation trip here
from a far distant planet! This being
apparently conversed with us through this sleeping
subject and expressed ideas and
philosophies which struck us as entirely new.
A change in voice tone and timbre is noted in
many psychic oral communications, when
Caligastia takes over the mind of his subjects and pretends to be a
different personality. This item is another reason many
persons believed SS was

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To God
channeling. However the process in the first
case is through spirit entry into, and
control of, the human mind. In this case it was through
mechanical manipulation of his throat
and lungs, while he was asleep, without using his mind.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
I had been led to
believe, through previous study and research, that all such
manifestations, however phenomenal,
were the work of the subconscious. I therefore
got this man in my office several
days later, since other entities were apparently coming
through him, and secured his
permission to submit to hypnotism that I might explore his
subconscious. It was difficult to
get him under, but when I finally did so, I was amazed to
find no consciousness whatsoever of
the subjects discussed by these purported beings,
which we had all, by this time,
started to record in longhand and later combined.
Sadler makes an important comment. His
inability to locate any remnant of the
material in the subconscious mind of SS shows that material was
not present in the man’s mind. It did
not come through his mind, and did not originate in his
mind. It also appears that the persons in the room were
trying to take hand notes of the
pronouncements coming out of the man’s mouth, which they later
combined into a more coherent form.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
I now felt that I
needed help in solving the causes behind this mysterious
and I called in other doctors and
scientists, friends of mine, as well as Houdini
and Thurston. They were equally
unable to furnish any explanation. Finding by now that
we could communicate by direct
voice with different student visitors and other beings,
we began to look forward to each
‘contact,’ as we came to call them, and enjoy the
opportunity of asking questions,
which always brought the most stimulating and unexpected
Sadler recognized that he had a phenomenon on
his hands which went beyond his
experience as a medical doctor and psychiatrist. He could not
isolate the behavior of SS to the
subconscious or marginal consciousness of the man.
This inability continued for more than twenty
years, long after his study under
Freud, and after his greatly varied experience with other
patients. To convince himself that it
went beyond any natural explanation he consulted magicians and
other individuals expert in various forms of psychic
performances and in public deception.
It can be seen that Sadler was becoming
attracted by the quality and cosmic
content of the material.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
We took to writing
questions in advance about the universe and asking them
verbally whenever given the chance.
Finally, as a test, I worked out fifty-two questions
privately and had them in my own
mind. (The doctor was noted for his photographic
memory), deciding to
wait and see whether those so-called student visitors might be
able to divine what was in my own

Birth of a Divine Revelation
One night, a
particularly electrifying personality seemed to be present from
distant planet and had greatly excited us
by his comments. As he was about to go, I
addressed him, saying, ‘How can you
prove that you are who you say you are?’ He
replied, ‘I cannot prove it — but
you cannot prove that I am not.’ He then stunned me
by continuing, ‘However, I have
just received permission to answer forty-six of the fifty-two
questions you have been holding in
your mind.’
If this record is accurate it would
demonstrate the remarkable ability of Sadler
to hold a large number of questions, in catalog order, in
his mind. It would also demonstrate
the ability of spirit beings to read our minds, and to know our
thoughts. We traditionally place such
powers in the hands of God, but this suggests that
such powers exist at all levels of spirit operations.
Sadler truly must have been stunned. He would
have immediately recognized that no
human mortal could have read his mind in such detail. SS,
asleep, certainly could not have done
it. Only invisible spirit personalities would possess
such power. Quite likely, this was the first of Sadler’s
introductions to the miraculous nature
of the phenomena unfolding before him. Our visitors were taking
initial steps to convince him of their authenticity.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Dr. Ruth spoke up and
said, ‘Why Henry, you haven’t any such questions, have
you?’ And I had to admit, ‘Yes,
Ruth, the exact number.’
This personality then
proceeded to give me the answer to the forty-six as promised.
When he had finished, he said, ‘If
you people really knew what you had here, you
wouldn’t take up our time asking
silly, trivial questions like this. You would ask something
really significant and important.’
We got home around
one-thirty that night, but there was no sleep in the Norton
household. We stayed up the rest of
the night discussing and formulating questions so
that we might be prepared for the
next contact.
Sherman’s account of the sequence of events,
either through Sadler’s confusion, or
Sherman’s, contradicts other anecdotal evidence. The
circumstance of the remark about
asking important questions to elicit elevated information, the
episode of more than 400 pages of written material
appearing in the apartment of SS, and
associated details — all vary from one anecdote to another. If
this episode actually took place, as
described, then another, similar, episode took
place after the Forum members began asking questions.
This seems hardly possible, but the
circumstances may have been repeated.
The heavy impact of the episode upon the Sadlers is plainly
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
At this point I must go back and tell you that a few months
previously I had made
a lecture trip to the University of
Kansas; and while there, I wrote a letter to my son,
Henry, suggesting that since we
seldom went to church, though I often talked in churches,
I thought it would be a good idea
if he and his mother would consider inviting others in
regularly for Sunday afternoon tea,
about twenty or thirty friends with whom we might
discuss religion or any other
subject of mutual interest, and perhaps I would give them

18 - Pipeline
To God
a little talk to
stimulate these discussions. When I returned home the following
noon, I found Dr. Ruth and Henry had
already acted upon my suggestion and were
having about thirty people in that
afternoon. This was about the first of October, 1923,
as I recall.
The first of October, 1923 fell on a Monday.
Therefore, Sadler is off by one day;
the first meeting would have been on a Sunday.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
It was in November that
I was asked by some members of this little social group,
which we had come to call the
Forum, if I wouldn’t tell of some of my experiences in
abnormal psychology. And since we
had not been prohibited from talking about the
phenomena we had been witnessing, I
related to them my encounter with this sleeping
subject and the strange
communications we were receiving through him, and told of
our being challenged to ask real
questions. It suddenly occurred to me as I got to this
point — why not enlist the service
of this group in the asking of such questions, and I
called upon them to help me. I
said, ‘Come back next Sunday with all the profound
questions you can think of, having
to do with God and the universe, and we’ll see if
these intelligences can answer
If the Sherman record is accurate, the
members of the Sunday afternoon
meeting did not get around to serious psychic discussions until
a month later. This was an example
Sadler’s usual habit of making use of circumstances to
further his work, getting other people involved, and
broadening his base of research.
The sudden occurrence in Sadler’s mind may
not have been accidental, but may have
been influenced by the spiritual forces which surround us, and
which, if we are listening, may lead
us on to deeper insights into God and his operations.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
The following Sunday
the group arrived with over four thousand questions! Dr.
Ruth and I spent several days
sorting and classifying them. Then we held them in readiness,
hoping for the opportunity of
‘calling the bluff’ of the higher intelligences. We
were, as we thought, ‘loaded for
Some weeks went by and
nothing happened. We thought we had them stumped,
and then one morning at 6:00 A.M.,
the phone rang. It was the man’s wife calling,
‘Come over, quick!’ she said. ‘What
happened?’ I asked. ‘Is he still asleep?’ ‘Yes, but
that’s not it,’ she replied.
‘Please get over here — hurry!’
We dressed like
volunteer fireman and arrived out of breath. She led us to the
desk in his study and picked up a
voluminous manuscript of 472 pages, written in his
own hand. I said, ‘Where did this
come from?’ She said, ‘I don’t know. He made some
strange noises in his sleep and
woke me up, and I saw it here on the desk.’ I asked, ‘Has
he been out of bed?’ She said, ‘Not
to my knowledge. I don’t see how he could have
gotten out without waking me — and
he’s not awake yet.’ I said, ‘Is this his handwriting?’
She said, ‘It’s his
handwriting all right — but I don’t see how he could have done

Birth of a Divine Revelation
A strong possibility exists that Sherman
confused the several episodes described
by Sadler. When he consulted his notes thirty years after
this meeting with Sadler he could not
separate the earlier events from the later.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
I took a look at the
manuscript and saw to my great astonishment that it was in
answer to all of the questions that
had been formulated by ourselves in our Forum
As I indicated in the previous comment, this
episode may be confused with the first
miraculous event for the Forum, and also the
start of the material of the
precursor Papers.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
I couldn’t wait any
longer. I took this bulky manuscript into the bedroom and
wakened the subject. I said, ‘Do
you know what you have been doing in your sleep?’ He
said, ‘I haven’t been doing
anything.’ I said, ‘Oh, yes, you have — look at this! Isn’t this
your handwriting?’ He stared at the
manuscript. ‘Yes, it’s my handwriting,’ he identified,
‘but I didn’t do it.’
I estimated that it
would take a normal individual seven to eight hours, writing at
top speed, and the subject matter
was so profound and yet so intelligently set down that
I knew it was beyond human capacity
to achieve. I phoned Cindy and told her to bring
over at once a ‘grip device’ for
testing muscular fatigue. I reasoned, if he had physically
written all this, his right arm
would give evidence of it — but the device registered no
fatigue what-so-ever.
We took the papers home
and had them typed. They concerned the Universal
Father, the Supreme Being, The
Central and Super Universes, and the Isle of Paradise. It
was an unforgettable occasion when
I appeared before the Forum group and announced,
‘Well, we got the answers to our
questions all right,’ and they sat awestruck and speechless
as we read the papers to them. This
was all we needed. Reading of these papers led
to hundreds and thousands more
questions, and more papers commenced coming
The details of this transmission tend to
confirm my suggestion that this event
with the Forum involved the Precursor Papers, and not merely the
472 pages of material presented more
than ten years earlier in La Grange.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
We found there seemed to be an organized group of high
intelligences on ‘the
other side,’ prepared to present to
us the whole astounding story of the universe, leading
from God, the Universal Father,
down to the origin of the human creature, man,
and his ultimate glorious destiny
beyond the reaches of time and space.
This continued for
perhaps seven or eight years when what we considered the first
edition of the papers was finished.
At that time, the Forum received its first direct message,
and its members were advised that
now, since their knowledge had been expanded,
they should be able to ask more
intelligent questions and that if they would do
so, as they commenced a rereading
of each paper, these intelligences would completely
revise the entire, tremendous

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To God
One of the difficulties Sadler and the Forum
faced was lack of adequate vocabulary
to express their experiences, or to describe their relationship
with celestial beings. “On the other
side” is a phrase commonly associated with physic phenomena and
channeling. This phrase was used for
lack of anything better.
Seven or eight years would take the activity
into 1930 or 1931. At this point
Sadler felt they had the complete revelation, but it was limited
to the first three parts, without the
Jesus Papers. Also, we see that the celestial agents proceed
through reiteration of questions and answers to bring the
Forum members into closer
intellectual, emotional, and spiritual attachment to the
Revelation. The Forum apparently
received revised editions of the Precursor Papers to further
develop this bond.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
This job was finished
about two to two and a half years ago, and again we all
thought the manuscript was finally
complete; but we were told, at this time, that the
world events for which this
revelation was designed were rapidly culminating (this was
1939 before Hitler started his
assault on the countries of Europe), and we would begin
to see that those who had this
revelation in charge did not intend to make it public until
after the Second World War.
By “this job” Sadler does not mean the
process of revelation which was
completed and certified in 1935. He means the total task,
including typing, making copies, and
proofreading, in preparation for publication. Two years ago
would take the completion of that task
to 1939 or 1940.
The phrase ‘world events for which this
revelation was designed were rapidly
culminating’ carries heavy portent. Sadler, living in the
context of events of the first part of
this century, would naturally believe that World War II was just
those events. After all, that episode
in world history left an indelible imprint on all who
lived through it. Little did he, or anyone else at 533,
recognize the true meaning of world
events. Nuclear power had yet to appear, with its threat of
total world destruction.
There could be no greater error than to place
the purpose of the Revelation in the
context of transient events. This world has been, for more than
a century, experiencing events leading
to the culmination of age, and the actual purpose for
which the revelation was intended.
Furthermore, the phrase ‘those who had this
revelation in charge,’ is strongly
suggestive of forces which then appeared in Sadler’s life to
destroy the revelation. This
phrase comes from messages channeled by Christy.
I shall discuss these several elements in later chapters.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
It was finally decided
by those controlling transmission of The New Revelation
Book to permit seventy-five papers
giving a detailed and comprehensive account of
Jesus’s life on earth, from His
birth to His death, to be added. The book is eventually to
be published without any human
personalities to be identified with it in any way and no
authorship ascribed to it. These
higher beings have refused to use their own names and
have only specified their type of
being in the universe.

Birth of a Divine Revelation
Again there is a mistake on numbers. The
Jesus Papers number 77, not 75. Whether
Sadler made this mistake, or if Sherman is not clear on
his recall, cannot be determined.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
There are only a few of
us still living who were in touch with this phenomenon in
the beginning, and when we die, the
knowledge of it will die with us. Then the book will
exist as a great spiritual mystery,
and no human will know the manner in which it came
As much as Sadler would have preferred to
keep all details from the public eye,
The Urantia Papers
much to large in the future of our world, and are far
too important to not attract research and examination of
their history. Sadler himself left too
many important clues and statements. Those clues and statements
merely excite attention. Of course, the actual mystery of
the transmission of the revelation
will forever be closed. We can only speculate, but we can engage
in intelligent and informed speculation, not in mythical
fancy. Sherman now returns to his
personal commentary.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Different Forum members
had heard different versions concerning the origin of
the papers. One of them was to the
effect that a young stockbroker, name withheld,
was found by his wife sitting at
his writing table in his bedroom one night in a trance
state, simultaneously writing two
different papers of deep philosophic content, one
with each hand. The wife, unable to
rouse him phoned their friend, a psychiatrist, who
arrived in time to witness the
psychic phenomenon, and who read the stack of type-writer
sized pages that had been pushed
off onto the floor, sheet by sheet.
This remark by Sherman shows how myth, lack
of first-hand knowledge, and folk
story all contribute to the uncertainty of the origins of the
Revelation. It would have been far
better if Sadler had provided a more complete written history,
but he was under instruction not to do so.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Impressed as well as mystified, the doctor expressed the opinion
that some passing
psychic influence had taken
possession of the sleeping subject, and it would probably
never happen again — but if it did,
he was to be called. A few nights latter, this phenomenon
reoccurred, and the amazed doctor
was told that he was to be the custodian
of this incoming material, which
was beyond the knowledge of the human instrument;
and that a book, which would
startle the world, was to be dictated by higher intelligences.
This began a strange
and dramatic human saga which started in 1911 and continued
for almost half a century, with
paper after paper of this voluminous manuscript
appearing, each containing a
chapter describing the nature of creation and the unthinkably
great God behind it; the Seven
Super Universes in which were countless

18 - Pipeline
To God
inhabited planets;
various classification of beings, including guardian angles and
ending up with a new life of Jesus,
one of numberless Creator Sons who had the
power to create worlds and all life
As I showed in a pervious chapter, the date
of 1911 is wrong. Sherman was probably
borrowing this date from
The Mind At
A little thought on his part should
have alerted him to the contradiction of dates within his
We also see how folk stories twist events and
facts to the pleasure of human
imagination. Here Sherman was repeating a version recounted by
Forum members.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Some one to two hundred
fascinated Forum members, exposed to these papers,
one by one each week, were
purportedly observed in the Invisible by the higher
who had dictated the material, their
reactions studied, and papers edited accordingly
if some sections were not
apparently understood. In any event, papers were
corrected from time to time, and
sometimes magically appeared, they were told, even
typed, on the desk in the doctor’s
We observed that the
Forum members accepted these stories without question.
This blind acceptance of everything
associated with the New Revelation made it difficult
for Martha and me to properly
evaluate the New Revelation material. As we became
acquainted with more and more Forum
members, they confided that after the
death of the doctor’s wife, Dr.
Ruth, they had noticed a growing tendency for the doctor
to be irascible and adamant,
whenever anyone associated with him showed indications
of not conforming to his thoughts
and ideas. They said he could be agreeable
and even charming at times, until
he felt himself to be crossed in any way or questioned
about his conduct of the New
Revelation affairs. We were to have ample evidence
of this developing side of his
nature as time when on.
Sherman was not giving credit to the fact
that when he appeared on the scene
nearly two decades had passed from the beginning of the Forum.
By that time there would be few
permanent members who would be in serious doubt.
This is one of Sherman’s overt attempts to
influence the thinking of his audience
against Sadler. He portrayed Forum members as mindless
individuals, but then later described
Clyde Bedell as an individual with a strong independent
mind, who would not accept any story without question.
See following chapters.
The notion that higher intelligences had to
study human reaction to help them
design the papers is far short of recognition of their superior
abilities. Interplay with the Forum
was to condition the human members, not to teach those
superior intelligences.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
One of our basic
observations that really disturbed us, after finishing the first
reading of the papers, was the fact
that The New Revelation Book purported to give a
specific description of the
appearances and nature of the physical universe but presented
no program for individual spiritual

Birth of a Divine Revelation
This is pure balderdash. It reflects
Sherman’s attempt to deny the value of a work
in which he could not place his own interpretation of
psychic reality. He could not have
known the Papers in any depth to make such remark. From the very
first Paper on the Heavenly Father, to
the last on the Faith of Jesus, the Papers are filled with
religious exhortations, admonitions,
and advice on more noble spiritual living.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
We wondered what service to humanity a book could be — however
and expansive with its precise
mathematical statements of numbers of planets and
universes and various
classifications of intelligent beings — if it did not deal with
mind qualities of human creatures and how
they could be employed to advance their
soul development on earth.
True, an entire section
was devoted to a description of a neutral entity called a
Thought Controller, which the
Creator supposedly assigned to dwell in each human
consciousness, and whose duty it
was to sort out the thoughts and deeds of the individual
and help him develop survival
values. If this happened, the TC, as it was abbreviated,
took on personality and survived
along with its host. If the entity had not lived a
sufficiently good life, the TC was
then free to dwell in some other human consciousness
at birth, carrying over the now
nonexistent entity’s experiences for use by the new
host — to give him a running start
on possible survival. On this basis, the individual
could not accomplish survival on
his own and was dependent on this in-dwelling influence.
This is an inaccurate description of the
Thought Adjusters, the spirit fragments
of the Father. See Papers
107 through 112.▼
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Martha and I could not accept this. We could accept the concept,
which we had
long believed, that a part of God, the
Great Intelligence, does dwell in each human
soul, and that man can become aware
of this Higher Power within him through right
thinking and meditation — and
secure guidance and protection by adherence to the
physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual laws of his being.
The more we thought
about The New Revelation Book, the more we came up
with more questions than answers.
Since we had social access to the Nortons, father
and son, we took our questions to
them, sometimes in written form. Henry Junior, like
his father, had a photographic
memory and could discourse on different chapters of
the book, quoting them at length.
Some of the questions raised were:
(1) Why, with the
detailed descriptions of super beings and lines of
existing between planets, was
there no chapter in the book which explained the
psychic phenomena taking place
on earth?
Here Sherman touches on a crucial element in
the policy conditioning the
presentation of
The Urantia
It was critically important in unfolding planetary
mortal decisions that this area be left open for each
person to decide.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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As Sadler
admitted, the Jesus Papers came as a surprise. He was already
making plans for publication before the actual revelation
was complete, and before the Jesus
Papers arrived. I earlier indicted some possible reasons. But
Sherman is badly in error about the
mention of Jesus in the first three parts. The Papers
were available to the public for some twenty years when
he wrote this; he had to know of the
many references to Jesus in those Parts. Why make a fool of
himself with such bald falsehood?
Again we can see his emotional state, a condition from
which he never recovered.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
(3) Why, since the
knowledge was supposed to be universal, applicable to all
humanity, did it limit its
scope and appeal and interpretations by adding a new life of
Jesus, tying it in with the
Christian religion, after The New Revelation Book was
finished as of 1934?
The reason for the
presentation of
The Urantia
in the United States,
and in the continuum of Christianity, is conditioned by
God’s plans for this planet. His
program has unfolded through the Western white nations because
of genetic endowments, and because of
a spiritual heritage not found in the other mortal
Psychic productions are universally
derogatory of Jesus, in one subtle form
or another. Sherman is here reflecting that influence in
his thinking. The declaration of the
finish to the Papers was strictly in the mind of Sadler.
The Jesus Papers were a complete surprise to him also.
Or Sherman may have been confusing 1934 and
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Martha and I received no satisfactory answer
to these questions. Instead, Dr.
Norton characteristically showed a flare of temper, to which we
now had become accustomed, when any
member asked him a question he considered impertinent or
uncalled for.
Once again Sherman attempted to cast
aspersions on Sadler’s character. No
medical doctor and psychiatrist, with Sadler’s extensive
experience and background, would be
subject to flares of temper. On the other hand Sadler may have
become impatient with impertinent or thoughtless
The loss of Lena may have set him on edge. He
no longer had her wise council.
But the more probable cause of his irritation
was the sudden appearance of another
celestial regime when Christy started channeling. At that point
Sadler began to have misgivings, but
he never formulated them into a concrete or discerning
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Birth of a Divine Revelation
Had it not been for our
great and almost overwhelming interest in the New
Revelation papers at the time, we
would not have persisted. The interest of all Forum
members had been heightened by the
doctor’s telling us in recent Forum sessions that
we should be thinking and preparing
for a time in the fall when he had been instructed
to surrender his custodianship of
the New Revelation project to the Forum. When this
happened, we must assume the
responsibility for financing, publication and distributions
of The New Revelation Book.
This statement adds a mysterious note to
Sadler’s expectation of the custody
and publication of the Papers. It may be that Sherman created a
crisis in Sadler’s current acceptance
of continuous small changes in the revelation which
cast doubts on their origin. Perhaps it was dawning on
Sadler that Sherman’s persistence for
including psychic material might be a warning about the “new”
celestial authority. Perhaps Sadler wanted to rid himself
of that influence. Thus his remark
about turning the Papers over to the Forum.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
One night we invited
Cindy to our apartment as a dinner guest. During the evening
we quite naturally discussed The
New Revelation Book. I pointed out to her that when
it would be published, people would
wonder why no mention was made of telepathy or
other psychic phenomena as a
preparation for the existence of such powers in higher
realms. Then came the shocker.
Cindy said she agreed with my contention, and since
Sir Hubert Wilkins and I, as a
result of our thought transference tests, had perhaps as
much knowledge as anyone, why
didn’t we write a chapter explaining them. The doctor
could submit our paper for
consideration of the higher ups, and if they okayed it, it
could be inserted in the New
Revelation Book!
Those of us who had contact with Christy, and
who had an opportunity to experience
her methods of response to questions, recognize this reaction as
part of her personality and her
policy. She never argued with anyone, nor did she ever
outright reject various proposals and schemes.
Invariably, she would deflect all such
propositions with neutral and innocuous replies. Since Sherman
carried more weight by his social
reputation than most other persons, Christy would have
been even more careful in her response. Personally, I am
sure Sherman’s description of her
response is fairly accurate; however, his deduction of the
reason is grossly false. Christy was
putting him off, but his intense emotional concerns
prevented him from recognizing her method.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
“Why, I wouldn’t pretend to have the authoritative knowledge the
behind this book have,” I replied, trying
to conceal my astonishment. “Why don’t you
call this significant absence of
needed connective material to their attention and let
them supply the information?”
Cindy indicated that
they would think about it, and the subject was dropped. But
for Cindy to have made this
suggestion clearly revealed humanly written insertions
had been put in the manuscript, and
later evidence came to light when member Floyd
Winters, one of Chicago’s prominent
businessmen, confronted the doctor with extensive

18 - Pipeline
To God
almost word-for-word
quotes from author Emery Reeves’ well-known book, A
Democratic Manifesto, which were
contained in a New Revelation chapter. The explanation:
Occasionally, when the
intelligences dictating the New Revelation papers came
across something expressed on a
subject by a human, as well as they could express it,
they authorized its inclusion.
Floyd Winters was Sherman’s alias for Clyde
Bedell. Indeed, Clyde had opened this
issue with Sadler, and it left an unsettling concern in the
minds of many members of the Forum,
with Sadler, and many students of the Papers since that
time. The Authors openly stated that they used this
method in the formatting of the
Revelation but no one until now fully understood the reasons.
This was one of Martin Gardner’s main
bones of contention with the integrity of the revelation. He
could not understand it except to accuse Sadler of
outright plagiarism, although careful
study of the passages reveals that the material is never used
verbatim, is paraphrased, and is
modified to elevate and ennoble concepts. Matthew Block
has catalogued many sources used by the Revelators, but
to date has not offered a more
fundamental explanation of the reasons for this policy. Refer to
later discussions.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
As a result of this
disillusioning experience with Cindy, I felt I should make one
last attempt to impress Dr. Norton
with the seriousness of the matter, so I sent him a
registered letter, hoping to
command his personal attention. It read as follows:
Dear Dr. Norton,
Some several months
after we came here and had carefully read the New Revelation
papers, I questioned you concerning
the glaring absences of any paper on
psychic phenomena — such as humans
have veritably experienced on earth in times
past and are experiencing now. And
yet the book deals authoritatively with many phrases
of spiritual phenomena beyond the
grasp, sensing, and actual understanding of average
Eventual readers of
this great document in public form are going to be expected
to accept the existence of all
these higher phenomena on faith. But, since man is an
experiential being, and we must
consider him on the basis of his present development
and enlightenment, he is going to
be sorely perplexed at finding no mention or explanation
of psychic experiences which he
KNOWS he has had - which give him evidence
that TELEPATHY, under certain
conditions, is a fact; that there are such things as
ASTRAL visitations on occasion; and
that the so-called dead are permitted to return
on certain missions and under
certain circumstances. I am not talking spiritualism
when I make this latter statement.
You decided,
personally, long years ago on your own admission to me, that
were no genuine phenomena except that of
the nature you had encountered with the
instrument and the other sleeping
contacts reported to you.

Birth of a Divine Revelation
Millions of humans now
living and still to be born will challenge this attitude as
reflected in the pages of The New
Revelation Book, for too many psychic experiences
are occurring right along to which
they can testify. And no scientist can laugh these
experiences off or explain them
It is a great error and
will arouse great controversy, confusion, and dissension for
The New Revelation Book to indicate
positively that no one can communicate with the
dead and that the dead, under no
circumstances, can or do return to this earth. This is
a deliberate wrong statement — and
untruth — and cannot have been made by higher
intelligence, for they KNOW better.
With The New Revelation Book containing such
false inferences, many humans who
have had genuine experiences are not going to
know what sections of the book to
believe or disbelieve, and they are apt to end up by
doubting it all.
I submitted a series of
questions covering the entire subject of psychic phenomena
months ago. Were they carefully
gone over by you and the other contact commissioners
and presented for consideration and
possible answering in the former regular
manner, or were they pigeon-holed
arbitrarily by you because you have a set human
conviction that none of the psychic
phenomena are actually existent?
Have you, by your
attitude, altered or excluded any material or truth which should
be in this New Revelation Book?
You know, in your own
mind and heart, the steps you have taken which have not
been authorized by higher
intelligences. You will have to answer for each one of these
steps . . . but there is still time
for you to clear up much.
It should hardly be
necessary for me to remind you that, if any material intended
for The New Revelation Book has
been withheld or wrongly interpreted or purposely
misunderstood or altered for
personal or biased reasons, or because of a closed mind
attitude — you will be held
responsible as trusted custodian for centuries yet to come.
My only interest, as
always, is in the purity, unadulterated genuineness, and
complete authenticity of The New
Revelation Book. I shall know, and others will know,
if when it is published, any of the
papers have been tampered with for any human
reason whatsoever.
(signed)Harold Sherman
It is obvious that Sherman accused Sadler of
the very thing he himself wanted to do
— place into
The Urantia
material dear to his heart. Hence, he failed
utterly to recognize the nature of the phenomenon with
which Sadler was dealing. Sadler had
no control over the contents. Questions could be asked, points
raised, but the final content was
determined solely by celestial agencies. Unfortunately, it
was evil celestial agencies which got their hands into
the revelation, and led Sherman into
his confusion.
If the true Revelators chose to not place
explicit descriptions or explanations
of psychic phenomena they would not, and did not, include it.
Sadler could not alter that fact. But
Sherman believed that somehow Sadler could determine the
18 - Pipeline
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content. The ultimate, of course, is that
Sadler was writing the Papers. But Sherman, by
his own admission, realized that the material was far
above what he would expect from a
human mortal.
Sherman thus worked from a confused and
unclear mind, as someone deep into
psychic channeling. Because of the confusion in the mind of
everyone, including both Sherman and
Sadler, how rebel spirit personalities could use human
mind for evil purposes was unclear.
In numerous ways Sherman betrayed the cloudiness of his
TELEPATHY, under certain conditions, is a
fact . . .
Telepathy is not a fact, and objective
experimentations demonstrate the uselessness
of such imaginary hope.
. . . the so-called
dead are permitted to return on certain missions and under
certain circumstances. I am not
talking spiritualism when I make this latter statement.
The dead do not return. Only evil spirit
personalities, impersonating dead
human mortals, enter mortal minds for malicious purposes and to
defraud the human race of spiritual
. . . far too many
psychic experiences are occurring right along to which they can
testify. And no scientist can laugh
these experiences off or explain them away.
Sherman was absolutely correct. The phenomena
do exist, and no objective scientist
worthy of investigation, can laugh it away. His deadly fault was
that he did not recognize the origins.
. . . to indicate
positively that no one can communicate with the dead and that
dead, under no circumstances, can or do
return to this earth. This is a deliberate wrong
statement — and untruth — and
cannot have been made by higher intelligence, for
they KNOW better.
Again Sherman failed to see the deep
contradiction of his remarks. The only
beings dictating
The Urantia
celestial beings, and therefore he brought
this accusation against them. If the Papers, originating
from celestial beings, say outright
that the dead do not come back to communicate with the living,
then the absence of explanation lies
on their shoulders, not on Sadler. Again he assumed
that Sadler must, somehow, be able to influence the
content of the Papers.
I submitted a series of
questions covering the entire subject of psychic phenomena
months ago. Were they carefully
gone over by you and the other contact commissioners
and presented for consideration and
possible answering in the former regular

Birth of a Divine Revelation
manner, or were they
pigeon-holed arbitrarily by you because you have a set human
conviction that none of the psychic
phenomena are actually existent? . . . by your
attitude, altered or excluded any
material or truth...
Sherman just simply could not get it into his
head that Sadler did not control the
content of the Revelation. If the Revelators wished to reveal
materials Sadler need not ask them to
do so, and that if they did not want to reveal materials,
Sadler’s request would be refused.
You know, in your own
mind and heart, the steps you have taken which have not
been authorized by higher
intelligences. You will have to answer for each...
Why could Sherman not realize that Sadler was
acutely aware of the source of his
contact, and that Sadler would not enter into a relationship of
deception when he had a vivid
experience of their ability to read his mind and his heart?
I now continue with Sherman’s text.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
This communication,
addressed to the doctor, brought no reply. But Martha and
I were in for another disturbing
factor when, upon reading the legal papers condemning
the incorporation of the New
Revelation Society, we found provisions for a
self-perpetuating board of
directors who never intended to give up custodianship, who
could vote themselves any salaries
they wished, or invest any monies received as
desired, rather than putting the
resources behind further exploitation and publication of
the book itself. These stipulations
ran counter to the directions purportedly received
from the higher intelligences, as
well as the assurances the doctor had given the members
who had contributed monies to the
books of his own that he had published, as
well as toward the financing of the
forthcoming New Revelation Book.
Sherman’s reference to “condemning papers”
probably meant a letter written by
Clyde Bedell in 1933. See following chapters. Bedell held a
strong and vocal opposition to
Sadler’s proposed autocratic legal structures. The monies
contributed by members of the Forum for publication of
the Papers made them sensitive to
Sadler’s policies, which were certainly not democratic. Sherman
is exaggerating.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
For a man with the
distinguished background of Dr. Norton, who was one of the
great pioneer psychiatrists of his
day, and outstanding authority on comparative religions,
who presented theological seminars
to assemblies of the United Protestant
ministers, it is readily
understandable why he had been chosen as custodian by higher
intelligences in charge of the
reception of these spiritual messages. Old-time Forum

- Pipeline To God
members said that Dr.
Ruth had been the balance wheel in this unusual medical
team, but with her passing, the
doctor seemed to become less tolerant and more
impatient with Forum members who
disagreed with him.
Without question Lena brought a balance to
Sadler. She was his alter-ego. But
Sherman was ignorant of other elements which may have caused
Sadler to be less patient with
opposition to his policies. Did Sherman bring to focus the
dangers in the changes that were gradually being
introduced into the text of the
revelation? Did Sadler suddenly become aware how he was being
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
With the closing down
of the Sunday afternoon Forum meeting for the summer
recess, the doctor again announced
that he was surrendering his custodianship at the
first fall session, which
announcement was greeted with a fever of excitement and
anticipation. The
membership-at-large could hardly wait for a gathering shortly
at the home of Ben and Beatrice Deane for
the purpose of exchanging thoughts
and ideas.
At this meeting, I
enquired if they knew, of course, that the charter for the New
Revelation Society did not permit
any turnover of custodianship, that it was held in
trust for the doctor, his family,
and the Staffords, and that the rank-and-file member
actually had no voting control or
participating rights. This was news to all present,
although some recalled the doctor
having read the charter straight through, when first
drawn up, allowing no questions and
calling for a vote of approval, which was
unhesitatingly given.
Floyd Winters, one of
the most active members, volunteered to go to the doctor’s
office, read a copy of the charter,
and report back.
Within a week, the
Deanes phoned the Forum members and invited them to
come to their home again, stating
that Winters had read the charter and had a report
to make.
‘Harold was right,’ he
said, ‘and I think something should be done about it.’
He then produced a
petition to be presented to Dr. Norton, which he had personally
drawn up, based on some of the
points I had raised in my letter to the doctor. The
petition was ready for signing. It
called in a friendly way for a discussion of the charter
as a first order of business when
the Forum reconvened in the fall.
I shall discuss this situation in the next
chapter. I do not know the real identity
of Ben and Beatrice Deane.
If Sherman’s report is correct, the Forum
members were not aware of the
autocratic nature of the corporate charter, but Bedell had
written a letter to Sadler in 1933,
decrying such structure. His pleas went unheeded.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
After some discussion,
the petition was passed around and all except Fred and
Elsie Egberts signed.
‘Come on,’ urged
Winters, ‘let’s make it a hundred percent!’ And the reluctant
Egberts signed.

Birth of a Divine Revelation
Then a volunteer committee of Larry Bolton, Ben Deane, and Nancy
Dietrich was
formed to call upon the doctor and present
the petition.
The identity of these several Forum members
is unknown to me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
The Egberts suffered
pangs of conscience intermingled with fear as they contemplated
what they had done in putting their
signatures on the petition. They didn’t sleep
that night, and when morning came,
they were of one mind — they must go to the
doctor and privately inform him of
what was getting ready to happen.
The doctor listened to
the Egberts’ account and told them they had been moved
to protect the New Revelation
project by ‘the higher intelligences,’ that they would be
rewarded for their actions, and
that he was ‘now receiving instructions’ as to just how
to handle this ‘uprising.’
When the committee of
three arrived later that day, the doctor surprised them by
stating that he knew what they were
coming to see him about, that he had been taken
out of his physical body the night
before and transported to the Deane home in his
spirit form, where he saw and
listened to everything that was said in the invisible.
That William Sadler would have made such a
statement is highly doubtful. If
he did so it was in humor or sarcasm.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
He told the astonished
committee that it had been revealed to him that Harold
Sherman was under the influence of
Lucifer for the purpose of destroying this New
Revelation by planting the seeds of
distrust and revolt in the Forum minds. The doctor
went on to say that Martha Sherman
was an innocent dupe of this evil influence manifesting
through her husband, but that
Sherman would be dealt with; and that every
Forum member who had signed this
petitions must come in, ask forgiveness, and
personally scratch out his or her
signature. Otherwise, they would run the risk of
even loss of eternal life.
We do not know the emotional elements which
may have moved Sadler. Concern over
changes to the text, in which he was then engaged, and what they
might portend for the integrity of the revelation, may
have been triggered by Sherman. Sadler
may have suddenly realized that all was not well. This may have
created confusion and uncertainty for him. Thus his
irascible behavior.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
The committee members retreated in utter confusion and
bewilderment, leaving
the petition in the doctor’s
keeping. He told them that every member who had affixed
his or her signature would be given
a chance to undo what he had done before a
sentence would be pronounced upon
Martha and I, situated
in the Rutledge Hotel across the street, had previously
been kept informed of all Forum
interests by various members. Knowing the time the
committee was to meet with the
doctor, we awaited word as to the outcome. It did not
come. A day passed, and then
another, no phone calls, complete silence from every
front. We finally phoned several
members at whose homes we had been dinner guests
18 - Pipeline
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and had enjoyed the
friendliest of relationships. All we could learn was that
terrible happened, and that we would hear
about it later, probably from the doctor
himself. No one was talking.
Finally a telephone
call from the hotel lobby. A woman Forum member whom we
had not yet met introduced herself.
‘My name is Anna Gobler. Could I come up and
speak with you a moment?’ She
appeared to be in her fifties, soft-spoken, apparently
deeply concerned.
‘I’ve been told some
awful things about you, especially Mr. Sherman,’ she said. ‘I
just couldn’t believe them, so I
decided to come and see for myself.’
Then she informed us
for the first time of what had occurred — and the wrathful
action the doctor was now taking.
Cindy had been phoning and setting up appointments
with each Forum member, at fifteen
minute intervals all day and into the night,
and the doctor had been telling
Forum members individually of the attempted Lucifer
rebellion. Each had been required
to ask forgiveness, and then take his or her name off
the petition, following which the
women members had received a kiss from the doctor
as a symbol of their forgiveness.
The great majority of signers were bowing to this
decree. Mrs. Gobler said that she,
herself, had taken her name off the petition, but she
didn’t know why. But she refused to
let the doctor kiss her and told him she would have
to know more about both sides of
this issue before she could make up her mind. She
went on to say that she had never
met the Shermans; but that they seemed like nice,
honorable people, and she found it
hard to believe that Mr. Sherman had been animated
by the Lucifer spirit.
It might very well be that Sadler suddenly
found himself in the very situation he
feared from Sherman. Perhaps he suddenly realized he was dealing
with dark forces which had penetrated
into the revelation. Perhaps he placed upon Sherman
his own psychological reaction to that threat. Or, more
likely, he was given “instructions”
through Christy’s channeling which warned him against Sherman.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
When she told us that
she knew of only four others of the entire group of signatories
who had resisted the purported
command from the spiritual authors of the New
Revelation Book to have nothing to
do with the Shermans, we commended her for her
courage and forthrightness. Mrs.
Gobler said Forum members were being instructed
to ostracize us completely, not to
speak to us by phone or in person or have anything
to do with us directly or
indirectly. We were to be treated as though we didn’t exist: and
members were led to believe that
they were being spied upon in the invisible and that
the doctor would be made aware of
any infraction of this mandate, which would result
in punishment.
By dealing with the
members singly, rather than facing them as a group, the
doctor was able to exercise his
authority without challenge, and each was given to
understand that when all names had
been expunged from the petition, the doctor
would call in Harold and Martha
Sherman and dispose of them in line with the special
instructions from higher sources.

Birth of a Divine Revelation
Mrs. Gobler went on to
say that Forum members, talking among themselves,
privately referred to Dr. Norton as
the little Pope, and his specially selected board of
control as the Vatican, but all
admitted their helplessness in speaking out against his
rule, however such a protest might
be justified. ‘We’ve got to go along with him like it
or not,’ Floyd Winters conceded. ‘I
don’t know what to make of his charges of Sherman
being animated by the spirit of
Lucifer, but maybe the doctor has access to knowledge
not possible to us. He’s certainly
taking radical action, and he told me that he had been
instructed not to turn over
custodianship at the fall meeting — that until the Lucifer
rebellion had been put down, the
destiny of the New Revelation project was in peril and
needed every protection.’
Clearly, not all is well. Clyde Bedell’s
remark may have been close to the
truth. Sadler was receiving instructions, but not from benign
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
It required a little
over a week for every Forum member who had signed the
petitions to be contacted and put
through the ritual of removing their signatures. Then
Dr. Norton had announced, it would
be the Shermans turn to face judgement.
When Cindy phoned us,
Martha answered. She was crying as she told her that
we were to see the doctor at four
o’clock that afternoon without fail. Martha assured
her that we would be there.
It is highly probable that this behavior
assigned to Christy was once again
sheer fabrication by Sherman. Christy was much more mature than
to act in such immature fashion.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
At the fateful hour of
four, we were ushered into the presence of the great man by
Cindy, who gave evidence of being
under high nervous tension. The doctor sat in the
meeting room, his short, pudgy
frame giving the impression of a little Napoleon, as he
gazed at us severely though thick
lensed glasses. He held some note papers in his
hand, containing penciled
‘Sit down!’ he ordered,
waving the papers. ‘What I have to say applies mostly to
Harold. I was told before Susan
Saunders sent you to us, to
beware of a writer who will
make application to join the New
Revelation Society — because he might be under the
influence of Lucifer, without his
knowledge, and might try to disrupt the Forum.’
The doctor then
referred to the notes, which he said he had made at the time and
put in his file and never thought
of again until this incident occurred. He said he had
never ever told Cindy of this
happening until now. He then implied that Harold needed
Psychiatric treatment to free him
from this Lucifer influence and expressed sympathy
for Martha who should be relieved
to have Harold’s mental condition corrected.
This warning may have come directly out of
the episode through Christy’s
channeling. Sadler may have here used psychological force to
persuade Sherman of its authenticity.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

18 - Pipeline
To God
Martha and I looked at
one anther, and we both stood at the same time.
‘We don’t believe a word of this!’
I challenged. ‘Do you mean to say you would
have had a warning from higher
intelligences in whom you profess to have such faith,
and would have forgotten it, and
not immediately associated it with us when we appeared
on the scene? Those notes you made
were phony!’
With this we walked out.
Sherman’s challenge was a sound one. Why
would a sensible person not remember
such an important warning? This contradiction tends to confirm
my suggestion that the warning was
contemporary, and not previous.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
It was mid-summer by
this time, and in the weeks that followed few members got
in touch with us; and if any
members chanced to see us on the street, they hastened to
the other side or turned in the
opposite direction to avoided any possible confrontation.
At one time, I boarded
a bus and saw John Grigsby seated at the other end. I moved
toward him, and when John saw me
coming, he leaped up and jumped off the bus with
abject terror in his face. It was
clearly evident that most Forum members had been
completely dominated by fear.
Sherman’s account shows how these matters
developed over the summer months
between his entry in the spring, and the formal assumption of
meetings in the fall.
Sherman was exaggerating circumstances and
behavior of Forum members to color his
portrayal of events.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
What should or could we
do about it? Should we fold up our tent and quietly steal
away, or should we remain, attend
the Forum meeting in the fall, and challenge the
doctor to make his charges against
us in public so we could answer them? Would this
prove to the Forum members that
they, themselves, should not fear the doctor or
anything he or his higher powers
could do to them, and perhaps bring the members to
their senses, cause them to realize
how ridiculous and false this whole procedure
After thoughtful
deliberations, we decided to remain and face the issue, even
though almost everyone had been
turned against us and we knew the doctor was
confident we would not dare show up
on his premises. This ostracism was his conceived
method of driving us away and
ridding the Forum and The New Revelation
Book of the Lucifer menace. We
could tell from the frightened and apprehensive attitudes
of the Forum members that they were
expecting some awful fate to befall us at
any moment, even to the point of
our being annihilated.
However, something
happened to me about this time which gave Dr. Norton and
the Forum members a severe jolt: I
was contracted by the Goldblatt Brothers Department
Stores to present a radio series
six nights a week over Chicago Tribune Station
WGN, based on my book
Your Keys To
which I had presented over the

Birth of a Divine Revelation
CBS radio network in
New York City some years before. This made me a well-known
personality in the Chicago area and
the personal Philosophy, question-and-answer
program proved highly popular,
breaking all mail return records.
The eventful day for
the reopening of the Forum meetings finally arrived. Meeting
time was always three o’clock sharp
when Dr. Norton would enter and take his position,
a New Revelation paper in hand,
ready for reading. While the Forum member
were coming in, the doctor often
followed a routine of standing at the top of the stairs,
on the landing, with his secretary,
Cindy, welcoming and shaking hands with the arrivals.
Just inside the door,
on the lower level, it was usually the custom of the doctor’s
brother-in-law Alfred Buxton, to
take his stand. Anyone who didn’t belong, who might
have thought, with the people going
in, that this was a public meeting, could be screened
Five minutes before the
starting time of three o’clock, (most of the forum members
already were present), we made our
appearance. As we entered the door, Mr.
Buxton gave us a startled,
unbelieving look and fled up the stairs to carry the news of
our arrival to the doctor.
As we mounted the
stairs, we caught a glimpse of the doctor hastily retreating
from the stair landing, followed by
Cindy, and Mr. Buxton, seeking to avoid direct
As we stepped inside
the small auditorium itself, we saw astonished Forum members
wondering where we would elect to
sit. We glimpsed a row with only two people in
it, halfway back, two seats in the
aisle, to which we headed. The Forum members in
this row quickly vacated so that we
had the whole row to ourselves. No one spoke;
they looked towards the doctor, who
was up front, as though expecting him to take
some sort of barring action but
this was a situation that the doctor didn’t know how to
handle at the moment.
The reading of the New
Revelation paper began. Dr. Norton’s hand shook as he
read; he glanced uneasily from time
to time at his audience and particularly at us. We
were still alive and well and
unafraid of him. This was a challenge to his entire authority.
When intermission time
arrived and the doctor prepared to leave the room, I
stood up and addressed him as
startled Forum members seemed to freeze in their
Two other records of the following events are
available. The first is a letter to
Harry Loose which Sherman prepared that same evening; the second
is the memory of Clyde Bedell many
years later.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
‘Dr. Norton — you have made charges against me behind my back,
which I am
prepared to answer. Will you now repeat
these charges to my face?’
The doctor looked up as
though he might be on the verge of a stroke.
‘You can not speak!’ he shouted.
‘You are a guest in my house!’
For answer, I left my
row and walked to the front to take position beside the
frustrated doctor.

18 - Pipeline
To God
‘I am innocent of your
charges and I demand the right to answer them!’ I insisted.
‘Sit down — you can’t speak — you
are a guest in my house. Sit down!’ the
doctor kept repeating.
At this point, the two
husky Herschel (Kulieke) brothers,
just back from military
service together, left their seats
and rushed forward, seizing me by the arms and shoulders.
‘Shall we throw him out?’ they said
to the doctor.
Forum members were now
in an uproar. Some were begging Martha to urge her
husband to stop — to go back to his
seat before something awful happened. One man
leaned over Martha’s shoulder and
whispered, ‘Sit tight!’
Henry Junior, the
doctor’s son, also of husky build, entered the scene threatening
violence. The doctor stood by, not
knowing what to do or say, as I held my ground.
At this critical
moment, a new figure entered the picture. He came from the
annex-type room off to the side and
was a new face to most of the Forum members.
He was our friend, H. C. Mattern,
attending a Forum meeting for the first time, and we
had not known he was present.
‘Take your hand off
that man! he ordered,’ pushing the surprised Herschel brother
back and stepping between Henry
Junior and me. Then
he grabbed me and pressed me
against the side wall so no one
could get behind us.
‘What do you think
you’re doing?’ demanded Henry Junior. ‘You keep out of this!’
‘Not until I know what this is all
about!’ said H. C.
‘But I know Harold
Sherman, and if he is trying to defend himself against whatever
had been said about him, he has a
right to speak. I’d like to ask you all — is God
in this house?’
‘I consider that an insult!’ shouted Henry
‘He can’t speak — he’s
a guest in my house!’ the doctor once more repeated.
I was watching the
reactions of the Forum members. I wanted to see if this
demonstration was revealing to them
— was showing them how tyrannical the doctor
was, that he must have something to
fear, something he wanted to cover up, which he
thought might come out in open
Amazingly enough, no
one came to my defense. They sat petrified, as H. C.
maintained his protective position,
holding off the intended attackers.
Realizing that I had
gone as far as I could in establishing that Martha and I had
no fear of the doctor and no
respect for the type of authority he was exercising over the
Forum members, I went back to
Martha, and the two of us left the auditorium.
Thereafter, for FIVE
CONTINUOUS YEARS, we attended every Sunday Forum
meeting, without exception,
remaining only for a complete reading of the New Revelation
papers, to show our continuing
interest in the material itself, and then leaving at
intermission. We did not stay for
the doctor’s question and answer period, indicating a
total lack of respect for, or fear
of him personally, and also demonstrating that he had
no power to hurt or destroy us or
anyone else — and the doctor and his ruling body did
not know how to cope with this
situation. Help was obviously not coming from any
higher source. All threats had been
the doctor’s own conniving and pretense.

Birth of a Divine Revelation
Clyde Bedell denied this assertion by
Sherman. Other Forum members could not
recall that the Shermans remained for meetings in the following
years. It would have been highly
unusual, almost unbelievable, that the Sherman’s would have
engaged in such effrontery.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
All the time we sat
pretty much by ourselves, most members avoiding personal
contact. They just could not
understand why we had not been struck dead. In the
interim, Ben Deane, disillusioned
and threatened with blindness, committed suicide by
shooting himself; the son of Henry
Junior also committed suicide due to unhappy
home conditions. There was no
evidence that exposure to these spiritual messages
had made the Forum members any
better humans. Less than a dozen Forum members,
including Mrs. Anna Gobler, made
any friendly overtures towards us. But they
kept us informed of Forum
activities. They chose not to resign from the Forum in
protest so they could keep in touch
with the unusual Forum material.
Sherman’s memory and account is badly faulty.
He confused two different episodes.
William Sadler, III, son of William Sadler, Jr., did not commit
He lost consciousness on Christmas day, 1955,
probably due to a combination of
alcohol and barbiturates, in association with undiagnosed
diabetes, and shortly died in the
hospital. He had been suffering partial blindness, which Dr.
Sadler attributed to a brain tumor.
Autopsy failed to find a tumor, or even the actual
cause of death. I have a copy of the official Coroner’s
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
As for us, we felt that
the extraordinary nature of some of the writings gave proof
of a higher spiritual source, even
though we now know we could never endorse the
book when it was finally published,
because of the editorial liberties that we were sure
had been taken with it.
Those “editorial liberties” were due to the
influence of Caligastia through
Christy’s channeling. Sherman’s sense was correct, even though
he was emotionally involved. Refer to
later chapters.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
The mystery of the author of The New
Revelation Book remained. It was published
anonymously in 1955, as though dictated by a host of
higher intelligences. We, however,
came upon a clue to who the human instrument might be - and he
was not a stockbroker, which story
served as a cover for so long. He was a person very close to
the doctor, one who might have been least suspected, a
self-effacing, quiet individual.
Here Sherman entered into gross speculation
on SS, proposing him as Wilfred
Kellogg. It was a desperate attempt by Sherman to anticipate
possible identity of that man.
However, his letters to Harry Loose in 1942 show that he did not
believe it was Wilfred at that time.
This idea developed later from unfounded rumors
circulating among some Forum members.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

18 - Pipeline
To God
We left Chicago in May,
1947, to take up residence in the wilds of the beautiful
Ozark hills. It was a great release
from the tension-packed years of dedications to a
project that may or may not have
been worth all the pain and sacrifice. Then again, it
may well have been, if the telling
of this experience helps stabilize the thinking of
others who have been involved in
similar psychic adventures.
This was a rather pathetic position for a man
of Sherman’s background and age. It
demonstrates the emotional state he never resolved, brought on
by his psychic delusions and deep
disappointments with Sadler. I could find no independent
confirmation that the Sherman’s continued in Chicago
until 1947. They lived in a hotel with
no individual phone number.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
So as not to depend on our judgement alone, when the book was
published in
1955, we sent copies to a number of people
we considered outstanding metaphysical
authorities, well qualified to
evaluate its content.
Sir Herbert Wilkins,
whom we had interested in joining the Forum in our first
enthusiasm for the material and who
had been impressed, as had we, during the time
the book was in preparation,
distributed twelve copies to special friends. His report to
us was that he had received only
one interested response — some seem to think it is
a joke — novel — or something of
the kind. Anyway, the response is a good criteria of
their real mind ability.
This response is typical of many people over
the years. A vast majority of
individuals simply did not know what to do with the revelation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
We found that most
readers who attempted to study the book did not get beyond
the first few pages, saying, ‘I
don’t understand it. It’s too much for me,’ and ‘Who cares
how many planets or ascending
mortals there are? What can that mean to us?’
Christian S. Ronne
(real name), a brilliant Frenchman,
who has lived in this
country for many years and who was
formerly associated with Brentano’s New York,
as the head of their metaphysical
book department, and the head of a similar department
in Pickwick Bookshop, Hollywood,
had this to say after a careful study of The
New Revelation Book:
Since you asked for my
opinion on this book, I can truthfully say, after a great deal
of time spent in meditation — one
year — most careful and disinterested thought and
study of many other similar books
... that I cannot subscribe to the authenticity of these
superhuman entities that seemingly
were responsible for its inception. It is an impressive
and powerful work and evidently
brought together a group of influential people, no
doubt men of good will, to finance
its publication, in its present form. It is in the same
class as many other inspired books
that have resulted in bringing forth a new religion,
or sect, due to the faith of
tormented humans who crave to learn the TRUTH.

Birth of a Divine Revelation
How much, if any, of
the original script was edited, I can not venture to say. It is
of the very few books published in the
United States that is absolutely free from
typographical errors, and that is
exceptional indeed in these times of hurry and stress
and great imperfection in the
printing of books, even so-called fine edition.
Sherman probably had requested Ronne’s
commentary on possible editing of the
text. Of course, this would have put Ronne into an impossible
position. Thus his neutral reply. The
original printing was not free of typographical errors,
but the number was amazingly small.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Having read every word of its contents, I am convinced that the
uniformity of its
style denies the large number of
its purported AUTHORS. This is aggravated considerably
by the fact that there were so many
differently constituted superhuman entities
from vastly separated worlds and
cosmoses who were employed to dictate their special
messages. Due to their tremendously
different backgrounds from each world, they
would have used contrasting styles
of expression. There simply is too much uniformity
in style, in vocabulary, and in
point of view throughout the thousands of pages of this
book that deal with such a
multiplicity of various subjects. To counter this criticism by
saying that it was due to the fact
that all these messages had to be channeled through
the one subconscious mind of the
medium would be a lame excuse. I am firmly convinced
there was but one author,
regardless of how many entities may have inspired
him or how far he might have
traveled on the several planes.
Many individuals, including Sadler, believed
they could distinguish among the
celestial authors of the Papers. Personally, I was struck by the
uniformity of the style of writing.
Linguistic analyses are too tenuous to subject the Papers to
rigorous proof of possible differences.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
There are some
interesting new theories that require a great deal of thinking
The THOUGHT CONTROLLERS and the role they
play in the conditioning of the first
inhabitants on this earth,
especially, are most arresting until one realizes that it is a
faulty and complicated way of
saying that all men can receive the spirit of God in their
hearts when the time comes, and
when they are ready for this momentous happening
in their lives as mortals.
Again this displays a direct inquiry from
Sherman. Previous remarks in his
Chapter show his concern about the Thought Adjuster, which he
called Thought Controllers. Indeed,
this term is used for God’s Spirit which ministers to more
mature members of the human race. Ronne failed to
recognize the great religious and
spiritual teachings contained in the Papers on the Thought
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

18 - Pipeline
To God
The detailed
delineation of other strange beings is attempted and fills many,
many pages. As for the
chronological history of the various races of mankind, it does
not agree with many top
authorities. The story of Adam and Eve, and the geographical
location are also quite new and
most original, especially in reference to Eve and the
Serpent. It is ludicrous . . .
Ronne obviously failed to grasp the realities
of the several accounts within the
Papers, especially those of Adam and Eve. He was clearly
conditioned by mystical presentations
from historical sources.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
In conclusion, this
book with all its tremendous array of new facts, does not
the First Cause, which still remains
unsolved, and the intrinsic difference between
the Absolute and the Relative
worlds, the Kingdom of God and its Creation, and the
Kingdom of Men and its creation.
First Causes cannot be resolved by human
logic. It was unfortunate that Ronne
could not discern this philosophical impossibility.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
All wise men, inspired
men of God, have always and will always learn and then
understand the TRUTH is extremely
simple and can never be found through intellect,
but only through the Heart. It is
far better to hold one’s tongue than babble meaninglessly
in the marketplace.
The reader should know
that when I employed Mr. Ronne to make an exhaustive
study of The New Revelation Book, I
gave him no information whatsoever except that
it purportedly came through a
sleeping subject. I wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t
be prejudiced in any way in forming
his opinion. Dr. Norton had contended that The
New Revelation Book would speak for
itself, and I was determined to give it every
opportunity to do so. The same
procedure was applied in my arrangements with my
scientist friend, Adolph Thies
(real name), whose comments follow.
So, I read The New Revelation and I could give my opinion in
just one single word
. . . but I dare not. Firstly,
because I do not want to appear biased, and secondly,
because I do not want to hurt your
feelings. Honestly, Harold, I am very sorry to say to
you that I failed completely to
find the profundity and I cannot help it if this makes me
feel like a heel.
On the whole, The New
Revelation is of no help. All the revelations add to the
already too great burden of
compulsory belief which is now breaking the back of religion.
Yet, assuming that all of the New
Revelations presentation is true, what, then
does it offer? There is a central
autocratic authority hopelessly entangled in a conflict
between the Infinite and the
Finite, its nature being explained with a host of phrases of
adoration. All of it is functioning
in a mountain of bureaucracy loaded with orders of
Over and Under and In-between
Beings. The very few objectors in this set-up have
been interned. All that ever was
and ever will be, bearing a distinct flavor of English

Birth of a Divine Revelation
terminology and sorry to note, ideology, bringing to mind the
possibility that an Indian
or Chinese patriarch might view the
promise of his exalted future with considerable
The anonymity of the
work puts its very birth under the onerous cloud. I think the
work is not only erroneous, it is
fraudulent. I think people behind this New Revelation
movement are trying to impose a new
religion on the masses and are attempting a
piggy-back ride on the Christian
religion with the new life of Jesus story to do it.
Strangely enough, not
one of the ‘whole gang’ has the slightest inkling of the
dawn of the atomic age. Please note
how The New Revelation always comes up with
precise figures when it is safe to
do so. A cycle in the New Revelation can never be
proved wrong if a phenomenon to
which it applies cannot be proved.
At this point I am
upset enough to point and point again, to the many samples of
monstrous creations of wishful
thinking which have deluded mankind.
The emotional response of Thies to a work
that threatened his scientific
orientation is evident. Many minds, conditioned to materialistic
explanations of reality, suffer the
same dilemma when faced with revelation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
All over the world
there are psychics who, through use of the Ouija Board or
automatic writing or direct voice
or trance mediumship, are producing inspirational as
well as factual material, which
they interpret or have been told is coming from higher
spiritual beings of sources, and
which has led them to believe they have established
an exclusive pipeline to God.
Here Sherman entered into a grand summary
about revelation in general, without
ability to distinguish that which comes from rebel spirits, and
that which comes from God.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Usually these people,
many sincere and dedicated, have attracted a faithful following,
who had been guardedly jealous of
this knowledge that has been given them
with a privileged feeling that they
have been favored over most humans.
Mary Margaret Wilson
(real name) of Albuquerque, New
Mexico, a highly developed
woman, wrote us recently her
concern over the trend of things in the psychic
world — the development of
appealing but actually dangerous philosophies under the
guise of Light and Truth, led by
well-meaning and often deluded mediumistic men and
women who are receiving messages
and directions from high sources, even purportedly
from Jesus Himself.
These followers and
their leaders have been told that they are the chosen ones,
selected to help save the world as
well as themselves in the terrible destruction which
is soon to engulf the earth.
So many of the people
involved in these groups have become caught up in a
force which had taken a very strong
hold on their lives. They don’t make a move
without ‘consulting spirits.’ They
follow some of the most ridiculous instructions. While
they may have good intentions, it
doesn’t prove anything as far as their spirituality goes

18 - Pipeline
To God
it only proves that they will blindly follow instructions. These
people are entrapped in
an occult force — not a spiritual
force. And this is a point which I think is very important
to get across: how to recognize the
difference between the occult and the spiritual
Quite some time ago, a
psychic lady I know was caught up in such an occult
force. Strangely enough, it was not
a force which was received by her directly but by
another person with whom she was
friendly and sat in meditation. The entity came
through the other person. It soon
developed the wildest tale you can ever imagine by
the time they were through. True,
the messages were sprinkled with many wonderful
thoughts and how much good would
come when they traveled all over the world as
missionaries of the Lord.
When I had an
opportunity to read some of the messages, I learned the entity
had introduced himself as the ‘Lama
Dalai.’ I immediately mentioned that they should
check the encyclopedia for the
proper title usage. They even refused to do that. The
entity also presented himself as a
dazzling spiritual being who came without light, because
since he was of the ‘highest’ of
God’s beings, they couldn’t stand his light. They
were so adamant that their messages
were coming from just such a high spiritual being
that without question they followed
whatever instructions they were given.
They started to give
away many of their possessions on the instructions of the
entity. In fact, I still have an
end table which was given to me by these people. I watched
the situation develop to a point
where the lady involved became nervous and distraught.
She lost weight and looked haggard.
When they were finally caught up in the
heights of great expectation, the
blow was struck and the moment of truth finally arrived.
These people came to
realize that they had been made the fool. No great amount
of harm was done in this case, but
I know of others where harm was perpetrated, and
I am sure that your files reveal
far more than I could even surmise.
But in this case, there
was the same idea put forth. The entity tells that he is a
very high spiritual force — they
are chosen to perform a grand mission — they will
receive instructions as they go
along (almost like a soap opera) — and they all seem to
have a common message that they are
to go out and speak to people to get others on
the right track. All of the
non-spiritual experiences follow the same pattern.
Many years ago, when I
first became interested in extrasensory perception, my
guidance cautioned me not to become
a ‘lost soul of the mind.’ I puzzled about that
phrase and never really understood
what point was being made until I observed what
happens when people submit to these
forces without using their own good sense and
investigate. This is what you
stress in all your books — for people to use caution and to
investigate. How much wiser people
would be if they just followed that advice.
It has always amazed me
what people are willing to accept from an occult force.
If a man walked into their living
room and immediately started to tell them how great he
was and spoke in lofty terms about
himself, they would probably think he was an ‘ass.’
However, they don’t
have a bit of difficulty swallowing it from a nonphysical
entity. It
must be an ego trip, too, because the
messages always have flattering words about
the recipients of the messages. I
strongly feel it is very necessary for people to sort out
the real from the unreal at this
critical time in our earth’s history.

Birth of a Divine Revelation
If some of these blind followers of these
dubious groups would stop for a minute
and reflect on what would happen if everyone in the world did
just what they are doing — blindly
following instructions which are given out piecemeal, not
knowing why they are doing certain
things — they could reach no other conclusion but that the world
would be in a state of utter chaos. Of course, they
usually come back with the retort that
it is a way of life for them, but I have always thought that the
essence of a spiritual life is for
everyone. The result of their guidance also impinges itself on
the lives of other people — sometimes
to the point of meddling — so it never really is confined to a
way of life for them only.
Mary Wilson well summarizes the problems of
blind acceptance of, and allegiance
to, psychic revelations. She well describes the fraudulent
morass of sources deriving from the
insane mind of Caligastia.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Our mail, as M.M.W. has surmised, is increasingly filled with
tragic reports of
misguided men and women who have
placed their faith in such occult practices as she
has described and we have
experienced, only to have suffered disillusionment, often
resulting in impairment of health
in body and mind.
Robert von Gunten
(real name) of New Midway, Maryland,
who has devoted
many years to the counseling of men and
women seeking self-development, had this
to say:
I believe the hardest
thing on me as I endeavor to make a contribution to the field
is the encounters with individuals
and members of some group who are well meaning
but SELF-DELUDED. Other than being
direct and honest with them, I am many times
not sure of their approval, for no
one seems to want to be told of a delusion. It is difficult
for me to understand why and how
educated, sincere adults can be so deluded and
blind. And what is just as bad is
that others join with them in accepting and following the
delusion. Certain things have been
given me to know, but none of them need to be
covered up in a maze of
‘gobble-de-gook,’ egotism, or Savior complexes.
I believe the same God
force is in all people, and the difference in people is their
degree of choice in the direction
and acceptance of that Power.
To all of which we agree.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
It must be said here
that before Harry Loose passed on in the fall of 1943, he had
sadly commented, in one of his last
communications, that the Great Book, which he
had originally recommended so
highly, had been so altered because of mortal perversities
and shortcoming that the project
had become almost a total failure.

18 - Pipeline
To God
Harry Loose faulting of Sadler was on two
grounds: a) Sadler’s autocratic policies,
and b) alterations taking place with the text after Lena
died in 1939.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
At that time, his
statement was shocking to us and we were not yet ready to
accept it. But, as things
progressed, when we saw how little spiritual development
came to the members and what
dictatorship existed, we were forced to conclude that
Harry had been right.
Now, thirty years
later, as we view the unhappy aftermath, we have learned of
what is happening and has happened
to some Forum members who devoted time,
money, and talent in an effort to
have The New Revelation Book translated in foreign
languages, to promote its sale, and
to encourage the formation of study groups. They
did this only to run into
prosecutions by the autocratic board of directors of the New
Revelation Foundation, overzealous
in their determination to protect the copyright and
the integrity of The New Revelation
Book, even to the point of excommunicating those
who offended them. It is possible
that the copyright itself is not valid because it is not
in an individual’s name. This point
may have to be decided, one day, in a court of law.
A devout believer in the Papers, Kristen
Maaherra, was sued by the Urantia
Foundation in 1991 for copyright violation. She had circulated
computer disk copies of the Revelation
when the Foundation ceased distribution. The suit resulted
in denial of the copyright by United States Courts, but
not directly on grounds of authorship.
The Urantia Foundation had falsified facts in its application
for copyright renewal. They could not establish that the
copyright renewal protected the
commercial rights of any identifiable human. This District Court
ruling was later overturned by the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals on the grounds that Sadler and
associates had determined the arrangement of the Revelation,
but not its content.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Meanwhile, three Forum members, probably more, have already
sampled the
legal wrath of the New Revelation
Foundation. Dr. Fritz Handel, Paris member, translated
and had published a French edition.
Jeff Bracken, one of the original Forum
members, financed a Spanish
translation and published pamphlets containing passages
from the New Revelation Book for
public distribution. Both men have become
involved in litigation as a
consequence, charged with violation of the copyright and
other legal and ethical
indiscretions. Their cases are still in the courts and Jeff
has been made the victim of a kangaroo
court proceeding, tried in absentia, and found
guilty, and excommunicated from the
New Revelation Society. He is still defying the
mandate. Clayton Prince, on the
west coast, who has quoted freely from The New
Revelation Book, had a suit for
copyright infringement brought against him, wherein
he permitted the New Revelation
Foundation to take judgement . All of this underscores
the tyrannical nature of the board
of directors and their fanatical religious procedures.
If The New Revelation
Book was hopefully designed to serve all mankind why
this overprotection?

Birth of a Divine Revelation
Through the years, many
of the New Revelation followers have remained steadfastly
faithful, held together more by
fear than love — fear that severance from the New
Revelation Society might mean loss
of identity or existence in the Hereafter.
Sherman simply did not know what he was
talking about. I personally have held
to the Revelation out of my recognition of its holy nature, in
spite of the faults of Sadler or the
later autocratic misfeasance.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Floyd Winters, who took
the lead at one time in protesting against the things he
felt to be wrong, and who
capitulated at the time of the so-called Lucifer rebellion, has
since then devoted himself to
creation of a brilliantly conceived Concordex of The New
Revelation Book. It is a colossal
achievement, which had to have required some years
in the making. To scan its amazing
outline of subjects covered in The New Revelation
Book would make one feel that this
authoritative list of contents must refer to a truly
revelatory Second Bible.
I have the deepest
admiration for Floyd, whom I have not seen or heard from
since we left Chicago, for the
example he set in loyalty and the enormous energy he
has expended in behalf of the New
Revelation Project. I only regret for him and for all
of us that this venture did not
turn out as idealistically hoped for.
How Sherman arrived at such nonsense is
impossible to say. He certainly did
not hesitate in falsehoods to support his emotional reaction to
a Revelation which outdistanced his
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
For some time after
this disillusioning experience, Martha and I were disposed to
look upon it as a love’s labor
lost, but the added prospective of more than thirty years
has caused us to see compensatory
values. We realized, for example, that this experience
had freed us for all time from fear
of religious persecutions and conceptual
regulations laid down by other
humans in an attempt to dictate our conduct and thinking.
This type of fantastic
psychic practice is widespread today and is enslaving many
innocent people who have been
seeking answers to their mental and spiritual problems.
While we, as stated,
cannot accept or endorse the book and its contents, it is fair
to concede that we found some of
its material thought-provoking. Perhaps, you have
had a similar experience with a
group in support of a psychic revelation, who have also
felt or still feel they have
established a pipeline to God. If this is the case, it might be
wise for you to remember that
anything that comes through the mind of man is fallible
and subject to possible error or
fabrication. For this reason, we suggest that you question
any purported revelation, however
impressive, whose mediums or sponsors declare
it to be the infallible word of God
or His representatives.
This ends my commentary on Harold Sherman’s
chapter on his participation in
The Urantia Papers.