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The Imitation Ego
AGES AGO, WHEN IT WAS FIRST DECIDED TO SEND DIVINE EMISSARIES to this world, Server group-souls looked down upon planet Earth and selected their grand mission-objective. They observed areas of potential and need, and, based upon their own aptitudes and proclivities, they chose to despatch fragments of themselves into third-density reality. These early Servers did not possess any physical-plane karma, for they had previously learned and transcended the lessons of third-density consciousness long ago. Thus they were not required by law to take a physical body at all. However, in order to render a complete service upon Earth, a corporeal embodiment was necessary for some among their number. Therefore, the original incarnating Servers assumed temporary personalities which, unlike those belonging to the great majority of Earth-bound souls, did not contain many seeds of personal karma* accrued upon the lower planes, and today, as far as the group-soul is concerned, a Server's lower vehicles of consciousness are still strictly utilitarian, and so for the sake of conceptual convenience might be termed a false or imitation ego.
* Whenever an aspect of an advanced group-soul chooses to incarnate in third density by way of the normal process of physical birth, certain constraints and karmic taints are necessarily adopted under the Law of Reincarnation. However, such impediments may be rapidly transmuted by the higher vibratory frequency of the indwelling consciousness.
Of course, all egos are essentially 'false' in the sense that they are temporary vehicles of the soul utilised for its karmic resolution. All human egos begin to dissolve upon physical death as the various elements that constitute the personality - physical, etheric, emotional and mental - gradually disintegrate and are returned to the general pool of matter on their corresponding planes, while the divine spark gradually withdraws itself from the grosser densities on its return journey inwards. Due to the nature of its essential purpose, however, the Server's ego may be regarded as false or imitation when compared to that of the ordinary reincarnating life on Earth, which is still attached to the wheel of rebirth, and also due to the fact that once that purpose is accomplished successfully - either in one or, more usually, over numerous incarnations - the Server's lower vehicles will dissolve permanently, never to be reconstituted. If, however, the Server later volunteers for another physical-plane assignment, a brand new personality would be created as a vehicle of expression in the lower worlds, to be eventually discarded yet again once its function was complete; and so it is that age after age, cycle after cycle, the group-soul takes up and casts off its physical, emotional and mental garments through which it incarnates in order to meet the ever-changing demands of the Universal Divine Plan in many different worlds.
An integral part of the Servers' mission upon Earth throughout history and to date has been to utilise the imitation ego in order to make experiential contact with the complete spectrum of worldly disharmony, and to suffer all levels of human affliction and pain so that every discordant energy upon the planet might become absorbed by their lower vehicles, therefore connecting them to the Earth's collective consciousness. It is thus that Servers gain the ability to assist in the transmutation of human karma on a planetary scale. Accordingly, over time, the Servers have incarnated into every part of the world, and, between them, have taken on every kind of burden and malady known to mankind. They have become intimately acquainted with all the various forms of suffering upon Earth, as during the course of numerous terrestrial lifetimes they have been born into every conceivable dysfunctional situation on the planet; into lives of abuse, neglect, poverty, disease, corruption, war and so on, and herein lies one of their greatest challenges, for in egoic-identification upon Earth lie many difficulties and pitfalls.
The instant an individual thinks of the separated personality (one's own or that of others), false or at best limited identification is made, and that person's choice automatically segregates him from the greater, truer life of spiritual inclusivity. Whenever one's consciousness is conditioned by the lower self - its feelings, reactions, desires, failures, successes, etc. - one becomes subject to spiritual blindness and the subsequent suffering that must ensue as a result, for such is the lot of the separate self. The Server's preoccupation with the imitation ego is the single most powerful impediment to establishing divine contact, and is essentially, therefore, a major source of their pain and conflict. Identification with the imitation ego will always create distortions of those true soul-memories which may be recalled by the Server, and this may lead them to believe that they need to search for solutions to their own inner conflicts in the outside world amongst the plethora of so-called spiritual paths and techniques of mystical enlightenment that abound today. This misconception can lead to much frustration and disappointment for the Server due to the fact that precious few established spiritual or religious 'authorities' understand precisely what is presently transpiring upon Earth with regard to the unique circumstances pertaining to Servers, and therefore are unable to offer appropriate counsel with regard to the special condition and requirements of the imitation ego. Consequently, unaware Servers may often find themselves quite bewildered and lost amidst the escalating distortions and self-seeking glamours that are everywhere apparent within the spiritual supermarket today. Neither the great majority of hyped New Age information nor religious tradition holds the key to the peculiar circumstances facing Servers in the world at this particular time.
It would be most advantageous indeed for Servers to attain a basic comprehension of the occult constitution of man, as such self-knowledge will help them in understanding and thus intelligently directing their lower vehicles of consciousness instead of becoming blindly controlled by them in their forgetfulness, as humanity generally allows itself to be. Physical instruments are required by the various spiritual Hierarchies (who are predominantly resident upon the inner planes) in order to channel high-frequency transmutative energies into the material world. The imitation ego, when rightly utilised, forms a centre for the transformation (stepping down) and transmission of such divine forces. Integrated personalities provide a bridge between the higher and the lower worlds, between humanity and the Hierarchies. However, excessive association with the imitation ego as being the real self bears significant danger, for the consequent contraction of consciousness will inevitably lead to doubt, fear, struggle and unloving thought and action, and will subsequently create new and undesirable karma, thereby effectively rendering the imitation ego 'real'. By law, such newly acquired karma must be cleared before Servers are able to: i) restore full remembrance upon Earth of their spiritual status and duty, ii) effect their mission successfully, and iii) return home (or proceed beyond) after having completed the purpose of their incarnation(s).
Servers in embodiment upon Earth today are certainly not the first to experience such spiritual trials, for many great pioneers have gone before them, traversed the vale of tears and in the end have triumphed. For example, Jesus repeatedly wrestled with his own veil of forgetfulness, and, like present-day Servers, possessed an imitation ego. He also had to learn to discriminate between the two distinct parts of his being of which he became conscious: the divine and the human. Due to his uncompromising identification with the world of Spirit - "my Father's Kingdom" - and as a result of his unselfish dedication to humanity's salvation, he underwent the transformational process of initiation that ultimately led him to complete remembrance upon Mount Calvary on the cross where he uttered his final words of victory, "Eloi, Eloi, lamah shavahhtani: Elohim, Elohim, how dost Thou glorify me", and "Consummatum Est: It is finished". The process of initiation - symbolised in Jesus' life as the birth, baptism, transfiguration, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension - is more ancient than humanity itself, and by his perfect demonstration of the Way, Jesus made known publicly the one True Path that leads from darkness to Light. It is this same road down which all successful Servers and humanity must pass today in order to enter The Kingdom of Heaven; yet not alone as did Jesus, but collectively, for the Passion Play of the Aquarian age - The Return of Christ - is one of a far greater magnitude than Jesus' solitary example. As the Piscean Christ himself averred nearly 2,000 years ago, "Greater works than these shall ye do." - John 14:12 (paraphrased). * * *
There is a little-known yet vitally important condition that is unique to the imitation ego and which, once fully understood and so rightly identified, will relieve Servers of much confusion, doubt and worry.
Our Milky-Way galaxy with its myriad planes and sub-planes is a vast sphere of life comprising countless developing lives and civilisations. A huge number of these lives are most aware of the momentous nature of what is unfolding upon Earth today, and they are either karmically or otherwise magnetised to partake to some degree in the experience of our planet's transition. Yet if just one single representative from every interested civilisation in the galaxy were to incarnate in our physical world, there would not be enough standing space for them!
These emissaries, then, could not all incarnate on Earth as individual human beings (starseeds), for there is simply not enough room on the planet. Therefore, a great number of them are today 'hitching a ride', as it were, within the consciousness of strategically-incarnating Servers, and this was voluntarily agreed to by the Servers themselves upon their descent into this world.
Within the personality vehicles of an individual Server, therefore, one may witness many 'different coloured threads'* that connect to numerous and diverse galactic civilisations and races from various worlds and densities, all of whom have access, via the imitation ego, to all that Gaia is and will be experiencing during this time of planetary transformation. Therefore, the advanced Server on Earth at this time will be carrying a variety of holographic points of consciousness on behalf of certain civilisations as a kind of 'composite envoy' on Earth, a surrogate for them.
* Such threads are adopted in addition to the normal karmic threads that each incarnating life necessarily inherits via the blood of their parents.
These living, vibrating, experiencing threads of consciousness double as 'access portals' to many other worlds for the Server's personal consciousness itself. Being unintegrated, unenlightened, not yet liberated from matter, the civilisations that Servers carry are right here on Earth today in time and space courtesy of the Servers' voluntary mission, and are, through them, seeking learning, healing, spiritual stimulation and ultimately Liberation. As well as experiencing this planet's density together with all its unique lessons, these civilisations are also ever seeking to communicate through Servers to this world and to the various threads of consciousness that are operating in and through other physically-incarnated Servers and starseeds here on Earth at this time. (It is not such an uncommon experience that certain individuals report seeing 'other worlds' in some people's eyes!).
As Servers awaken, then, and so regain access to higher levels of their being they will become a very busy nexus of galactic activity, a microcosmic expression of both the galaxy as well as Mother Earth herself at this time, for the planet is presently acting as a kind of interdimensional, interstellar communication station and integration portal connecting a great plexus of life-waves all throughout the ring-pass-not of this galaxy.
The threads within the Servers' imitation egos tie their souls to various levels of consciousness belonging to spiritual beings whose journey towards Liberation from matter is not yet complete, and at some stage it will be clearly observed that neither are some of them very happy! Their home-frequency is not in harmony with the divine Kingdom to which they are seeking to return with the help of Servers on Earth. Such threads of consciousness can often be quite noisy, restless, quarrelsome (amongst themselves and with the Server) and so definitely unintegrated and in need of love, wisdom and guidance. They are, therefore, not yet free of fear and ignorance, and they will be vying for the Servers' attention more and more as the planetary tempo quickens. Hence, during the intensifying maelstrom of these "last days" it is very important for Servers to maintain a True and Holy Focus; to simplify their lives as they "make straight the paths of the Lord" within their imitation egos by remembering a purely vertical, selflessly dedicated and unconditional aspiration to serve the Divine Plan on behalf of both their civilisations and humanity. The degree to which a Server progresses in purity towards holy transfiguration during the forthcoming influx of the Grace of an Age, will directly and proportionately assist the lambs of God within them, guiding them toward the Fold.
Servers will generally continue to experience the karma and struggles of their civilisation-threads right up until Judgement Day. The Servers have many 'children' who are looking to them for help and direction, and a part of their personal mission is to encourage these 'dependents' to come Home with them through the Christine Gate. However, with so many inner (psychic) and outer (worldly) threads pushing and tugging at the Servers' lower consciousness during the impending Earthly storms, things may become quite confusing for them at times, yet only if Servers allow themselves, by wrong identification, to get caught up in the cyclone that is a necessary corollary of the planetary cleansing. A True Focus will allow Servers to remain in the centre of the cyclone of agitated dualistic conditions in these times, remaining balanced, tranquil, unmovable and untouchable by the greatest waves of fear and doubt that are rising up in the world today.
* * *
Upon the right identification of their personality as but an instrument of service depends the success of each individual Server's mission. Indeed, a distinguishing mark of awakened Servers with karmically uncontaminated imitation egos is an attitude toward their personal life as representing just a tiny aspect of a far greater collective function and experience. In this way their relationship to life remains distinctly impersonal, and so they are able to view the world through spiritual eyes. Ken Carey sums up the essential need for such an attitude in the following words (spoken by Christ): "Whoever will come after Me will have to die to all definitions of self . . . Whoever clings to his definition of self will lose his identity when that definition is no more, but whoever shall relinquish all definitions for My sake, and for the entry of My consciousness, the same will share in My eternal life." - The Starseed Transmissions.
Personal identification with any threads or complexes of the imitation ego obstructs intuition and will inevitably lead to confusion, misguided effort and, therefore, inappropriate action, which shall do more damage than good to the Server, their mission and to those whom they may attempt to help. Many Servers today are grasping at certain bold and unnecessarily complex ideals as they rush forward into a service which their distorted yet essentially true senses inform them that they ought to be doing. Amidst the confusion of their hasty altruism and impatience they may contribute toward much disorder in a world that is already inundated by a torrent of misinformation scattered abroad by the excited and zealous. The way of the Spirit has always been most simple, clear and straightforward, yet today many Servers are unwittingly following humanity's wayward example by incorporating into their lives all kinds of elaborate schemes, rituals and practises, ostensibly in order to 'meet the demands of the New Age' and to be assured of a place amongst those who will know success during the times ahead. A deluge of very intriguing notions, plans and new techniques with which to attain self-liberation, empowerment and personal ascension proliferate in the world today, and these tend to distract the mass of humanity from the simple Truth, therefore leading many away from the True Path and contaminating even the minds of awakening Servers with various falsehoods.
Erroneous thinking may be swiftly rectified, however, by the acquisition of Right Knowledge, which shall subsequently reveal that only in the crucible of selfless service can the illusions built up by the imitation ego be transmuted, as the corresponding invocational influx of divine Light purifies and uplifts all life that it touches. In attuning correctly to the new and higher frequencies of energy now available on Earth, and in learning from and relinquishing all past misconceptions and false identifications, the Server's consciousness will indubitably expand as all past experiences become illumined by the lamp of Insight. Such clarity of perception will then promote a new awareness of the lessons contained but overlooked in past error (nothing is ever wasted), and it simultaneously avails Servers a recognition of their usefulness in future service as their vision grows. It may be seen, then, that each moment presents anew the opportunity to either purify (prepare) or taint (hinder) the imitation ego depending upon the Server's identification, focus and motivations.
While the Servers' veiled condition allows them to gain a first-hand experience - via the imitation ego - of all the separation and despair in the world, at the same time and at a level of knowing beyond the veil of forgetfulness and at the heart of the group-soul, they have ever been aware that their suffering was for others and but temporary. Many Servers retain a vestige of memory from early infancy that a time will come - and soon - when everything will change "in the twinkling of an eye", and that the imitation ego will become completely transparent in the final stage of their mission; the temporary personality shed and discarded like the cocoon of a butterfly having served its purpose.
Eventually, on the Day of Remembrance, Servers will again realise upon this, their current, and for many, concluding assignment upon Earth, that their true Self is far more than their imitation ego. Meanwhile, as they evolve from their preoccupation with the personality, the Servers' reality will grow progressively broader, for in their expanding perceptions they will be able to behold more and more of the divine grandeur, beauty, interconnectivity and magnificent all-pervading intelligence of Creation. Following the piercing of the veil of forgetfulness - attained only through purification of the imitation ego in world service - the personal self will dissolve, merge and become fully united once again with the group-soul, while lifting every painful Earthly experience into the light of transmutation. By way of the Law of Synthesis, humanity's long-standing condition of suffering will thus be remedied as the entire planet is positively transformed. Surely there can be no greater honour and joy in the whole world such as this. Indeed, at this momentous time of completion, so intense will be the exhilaration of Servers, so profound their bliss, and so ineffably spiritual the experience of divine reward, that each and every soul without exception would gladly repeat the same sacrifice in service all over again. Such a consecrated attitude is mentioned in John's Book of Revelation in the New Testament when: ". . . the four and twenty elders throw their crowns [halos] down in front of the throne of God." - Rev. 4:10.
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